Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Keef, I knew you would. Bodhi has a great selection of genetics with medicine in mind. Of course, a Bodhisattva is a teacher. And at the moment that Buddha reach enlightenment it was beneath a Bodhi tree. Just some useless info that leaks out of my brain sometimes.
Wake and bake this morning, then it`s time to deal with the snow. Gotta get the blower on my 4 wheeler, give the snow a blow job, and then back to the important stuff. Deer season starts Saturday, so back to setting up blinds and camera`s (maybe on the camera`s). Gettin` the itch.
I missed one last night. I would come up yoop, but the drive today on just a little snow was enough for this old timer. my tests last week showed I have Barrette's esophagus . but no cancers.....all is good. take my Prilosec's and I'm fine. I think it is fix coffee for the evening hunt and go on out and spend the rest of my day out in the tree house. Dubbies and coffee makes for a good hunt.
Happy High to all my fello tokers:joint: n hope that everyone is doing well today
I missed one last night. I would come up yoop, but the drive today on just a little snow was enough for this old timer. my tests last week showed I have Barrette's esophagus . but no cancers.....all is good. take my Prilosec's and I'm fine. I think it is fix coffee for the evening hunt and go on out and spend the rest of my day out in the tree house. Dubbies and coffee makes for a good hunt.

Good morning weed everyone. I'm in the same boat with you bozzo. I was diagnosed 4 years ago with Barrette's. Too many years of acid reflux. I'm on a prescription which is the same as prilosec. Cheaper than over the counter as long as insurance covers it. I'm tacking RSO everyday and I'm hoping when I go in again in a couple of years it will be esophagus cells instead of stomach cells or goblet cells. I would love to go in and be free of that crap. I am about ready to get off the prescription and try natural controls along with a good diet. They say that about 5% of the people that have Barrette's have it go to cancer. That is something we don't want and will not get. :vap_smiley:
Is Barrett's where you have a little pocket in your throat that makes swallowing food difficult at times? If it is, count me in. I suffered with acid reflux for three years until it eventually went away on it's own. I always figured the best way to stay healthy is to stay the hell away from doctors when at all possible.

Eleven years ago, they tried to claim I might have either bladder or kidney cancer. They wanted to shove a camera up a place I didn't figure it would fit too well, so I told 'em to shove it up theirs. Still alive and well with absolutely NO symptoms.

I was thinking about you earlier today, Beemer. Just got done making the dough for egg noodles. Wish ya lived next door!
Oh man EGG NOODLES and home made. Well if I did an Iron Butt ride I would be there Friday morning. Left overs?? Oh yea fried leftover egg noodles.
Looks like I'll have to try it next time. The girls came home after a day's worth of power shopping and ate every damn one of 'em. I did win a nomination for father/husband of the year though when they saw I even made homemade butter to go on 'em! Might have aced neighbor of the year after I sent a big bowl of my potato/cheese/ham soup next door, too.

I love to cook........:)
Is it too late for Wake and Bake ? Keef been shot and missed-- sheet at and hit ! Try to make in the morning !--couple of weather fronts double teamed me !-- I'll get back up soon as I can !-- don't know any other way ! Don't think I'll be able to get that Tranquil Elephantizer but Williams Wonder is available and since they give it 9.5 out of 10 stars so I'm down with Willy !-- straight up powerful indica !- found some fine second choices too !-- Snow Lotus , Ancient O.G. -- White Dawg !-- Headband and others !
morning ofc, trying to get the day started. i have been down in my back for almost three weeks now and i don't know how much more i can stand. my pain meds did me bad yesterday and made me feel sick the bad part is i ate one and a half over the day so it wasn't like i took to much. anyway i got coffee brewing and trying my best. i hope everybody has a great day. supposed to go down in the mid 20's tonight. peace.
Morning O.F.C. !-- I hear ya Giggy !-- hang in there Cuz !-- Ya'll it took me 16 months to narrow 7 Widow lines down the one !-- it'll be another 2 month's until I'm there but the decisions been made !-- got to get ready for Willy !-- if I could juggle all them Widow lines -- I can fold William's Wonder into the mix no problem !-- got myself a plan to have something above and beyond anything around here come the end of prohibition !-- Think I'm gonna keep my mouth shut publicly about what I'm gonna do ! My Widow -- she be for the masses and they'll love it but this little thang will be a legend !--
Of course I'll be crossing Williams Wonder on my Widow and "White Willy" will probably be my production variety !- When I bring this mystery variety in I won't have room for my Widow !- I put a lot of work and time into her and I'm hoping to find an Old Fart who'll adopt her and give her a good home !- I had one of them moments of clarity while studying the work going on over a breedbay ! They doing some stuff and things over there ! I saw the light !
Keef...I left MP to follow a few breeders over at Breedbay, and it took me full circle back here. There is so much others are doing, that MP alone was not enough for me. I can tell you are interested in what others are doing, and you are on a journey my friend. For me, breeding was my path.

They said I would shine
like the lights in the city,
I hoped it would be
like the moon on the sea.
There was no one around
when I started to breed,
and now there's a million people
waiting for my seeds.
It's what my sight is,
it's what my fight is,
it's what my life is.
Would expect nothing less from our Umbra !-- I don't really want to breed Cuz !-- But it may be the only way to get what I want !-- I just want a couple of very outstanding Mothers and to crank out enough so my wife can quit her job!-- I was over at breedbay not so much to find a variety but to understand why they crossed this on that ! I saw a pattern and I think I saw something they've missed! Or they just don't talk about it !
I think there is a common theme when it comes to breeding. My first crosses were to find a medicine that I couldn't buy or find. There are plenty of things that breeders and pollen chuckers don't talk about. Some of it, they expect you already know, whether you do or not. And other things are more about their own signature, or stamp of what they are looking for. Personally, I see patterns in every day things. Pattern recognition is a weird brain thing, that's all I can say. I can not tell you if my epilepsy has anything to do with it or not. I think it is more the experimental drug my mother had me on in a drug trial in the 60's. It was supposed to bridge new neuro pathways for the left and right sides on my brain to communicate and therefore cure my epilepsy. It didn't cure my epilepsy, but it had very strange side effects.
What up Old Farts?
Well, my attempt to get the widows & the PGG to finish failed. We've had high winds & low temps here for a week or so. Now it's S**wing again.
All the widows & PGG got frozen so they came in. Widows buds didn't get a chance to tighten up, so I have 12 jars of fluffy sparkely buds.
The PGG pretty much got vac. packed and will be turned into butter.
Oh well, maybe next year. I'm gonna try to cross Big Betty & Lady into it so we can shorten the flowering time.
I hope everybody is doing well. I'm still doing the interferon, but it ain't near as bad *** as me. Only 6 weeks left & I should be free of the Hep. Then I can destroy my liver with tequila & beer! Whoo-Hoo!
Take care Y'all!
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