Why has this not been on the news stations in Dallas? I believe nothing untill i see it publicized. Would shock me to the core if Texas went legal. Does the name Ted Cruz ring a bell,,,,He will say NO TO ANY LEGALIZATION!Happy Thurweedday everyone. Just swinging through to wish everyone a good day and to let Keef know it's getting closer in his state.
I know. I was just south of the equator for a second.And no on your dirty mind, dd was saying everything good starts with s so i said spot.. pot..get it??
my cpap worked so well it has set in my closet for at least 10 years.Cpaps are awesome. Listen to the Umbra, hippie.
We just went out to lunch and I think i atd 5000 calories...fish and chips..omg it was so good. Haven't done that in a while.
Hi nes..hows the pups? We are not talking medical. LOL
beemer you just turned on a light bulb. i'm going to have to study this med and see if that may be some of my problems.Howdy giggy Happy Days to you. I was on a drug for acid reflux called pantoprazole and after taking it for around 2 years it started making every joint in the old body hurt like hell. One of the many problems with these types of acid reflux drugs is they kill all the good bacteria in the stomach and so digestion doesn't happen as fast and a person doesn't get all the nutrients out of the food. We went to almost all organic and a modified paleo diet which has helped a lot. Meat, veggies and fruit. No dairy, no grains, no sugar. you can use honey and maple syrup.
**** Keef,,,if your growing with any light right now ,,,you doen better then me. I cant pull my grow gear out till i remove my Son and his Wife. And it aint happening fast enough, ,,lol
My Granddaughter makes it all worth while though,,hell Pawpaw loves having HER AROUND,,,the other two,,,,not so much.:smoke1: