we gotta get that strain... high thcv!!! sounds like it is made just for me, a speed freak.
I'm jealous Hopper !--- I'll be making some soon as I can ! -- So many questions still !--- Seems to me the higher the THC% in the mother weed the higher the THC in the extract ! Rose has some high CBD varieties so it doesn't have to be all about the THC !--- Liquid Weed with your desired THC and CBD percentage --your desired flavor --it's all there !--
we gotta get that strain... high thcv!!! sounds like it is made just for me, a speed freak.
Good morning peeps.
Umbra, i remember hearing about your hookups with sm and multi and it sounded a little weird to me..but that was after a fall out from multi (crazy bipolar guy i always liked) and a bit from SM. you must have behaved yourself cause i didn't hear about you. ha. I don't think the ofc would be much like that, i hope, if what i was told was true.
Took a nap. Missed the summit.
She pops in once in a great while. IT has been a long time ago but something about pictures and sex...And i am not saying who i heard that from.
I am glad you met umbra too but you really need to meet me. I got banned from KK.. multi kinda lost it.. I miss him when he was feeling good i really liked him.
Good to see you nch my pleasure, anytime.