Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Up and at em. Back in the cess pool of Atlanta. Transplanted a blueberry auto yesterday before leaving home. Got to get this grow on track.
:smoke1:Good Morning OFC. Rain. Decided I would do some hash for wake n bake. I'm not going anywhere and it was 1 of those days. For my day of service, I will spread seeds in the park and smoke more weed:joint:
Morning cane, giggy, Keef and all OFC, hoping you have a Hi day. Got a light problem. Got me a LED grow light NASA Red and Blue. Wavelenghth Red:630, Blue:460. Well, when ordering on line they said it had switch to turn lights. Well, it does not both Blue and Red lights come on together. Anyone is this a problem. I have (2) Sun Blaze 21, Sun System T5 High output Fluorescent Fixture, 24 WATTS, 2000 Lumens each. Should, I try the NASA light or should I go with the T5 2000 Lumens. :48:
Good morning Rosebud and umbra. Do you have a busy day? Not me, got everything done yesterday, so, I'm taking the day off.
Keef, do you have your Hot Tub fix up yet? I know you are going to love it and your body to.
No Nes --- I should have just hired someone to wire the tub but I'm cheap --$1600 would go a long way in towards grow room equipment! -- Not that I need anything but time ! Hang that T-5 if U not comfortable with the LED ! I've got 3 of 4 Gorilla Glue #4 up and nothing from the 3 CWO !--D.D.'s -- Papaya --Bubblicious --Aurora Indica and P.P.P. are thriving --Got the last of my T.E. in Happy Frog trying to save the line !--The root aphids showed a preference for the T.E. --Bastids !-- My Widow --She keep giving and I keep taking !--BPU -x-B.B. starting to shine !-- I kind like it too !
Glad you brought that up. What's a BPUXBB?

Morning gang. Beautiful sunshine outside. It'll fool ya. Eleven degrees, and I've got at least an hour of bus work to do. Wish I could bring it inside. Old Hen's happy I can't.
Hippie What up ?-- BPU -x-B.B. -- That be Umbra's work !-- BlackBerry Kush -x- Purple Citral-x- Uzbekistani Hash Plant -x- Blueberry Blast! -- I got my breeding pair out of seed Umbra sent !-- The male is Trips my boy that came out the ground making 3 leaves at a time instead 2 !-- Should anyone get one of his daughters that makes 3 leaves let me know when it shows itself and I 'll get a piece of Trips in bloom and we'll back breed them and try to isolate a 3 leaf variety! -- In my mind that would give the plant one third more bud sites !
Hippie same with that Trips -x-T.E. --more children of Trips!--- They may be old enough to germ !--Hey if they not --I make some more !--
the scientific protocol is to name the female first and then the male, so it would be bbb x bpu.
could someone please come over and transplant all these clones before they die?
Off to the nurse today. this really needs to go all the way away.
I just called it what U said --Is that the order U bred them --Who was the mommas and who was the daddies !-- Apparently it's not going away !--So maybe U should just give it a name !-- Those seed from the Trips -T.E. cross made beautiful seed !--Is got high hopes !--Is guess U already figured out that I plan to Glue it all together !--
Almost noon ya'll, been trimming, took 2 more down today, got a bunch hanging now. Fingers and wrists are tired, time for coffee and a J...here are few pic if y'all dont mind.
Kraven --Will U adopt me ? --Love the pics !-- U need to get one of those trimmers like Rose got !
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