Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Good morning Curmudgeonland...Home of the Old Farts Club. Coffee in one hand, vape in the other, must mean it`s wake and bake time.
Time to get up so U can get down with the O.F.C. !-- Wake and Bake Time !-- After that take your old stoned a** out and Vote !-- I voted early so I have to dig out my other I.D. so I can vote today ! Keep your fingers crossed for Florida !-- I done told R.W.S. that when I get a ticket for a weed related offense and don't go to jail -- we gonna frame that puppy !-- How do I know I would be getting a ticket for a weed related offense ? Trust me when the law changes -- I'll get a ticket !
[Get out and vote today, cause if you do not vote, do not complain about the results. The only way we have gotten our favorite herb where it is, is by voting. Do not think the opposition is standing still, the fight is not over. Do not get complacent.
morning hippie, yooper, keef and the rest of the ofc. got to see the doctor today, go vote and thinking about showing up at lodge tonight. haven't been to lodge in awhile, after i left the masters chair i wanted to spend time with the family, but really i ended up just being inactive. we had 40º this morning with temps coming up for afew days. so far i have 24 cups with two on the surface and should drop atleast two more in dirt later today, so it looks like i'll be getting the grow on real soon. yall have a great day. peace
The other morning I saw 20 or 21 degrees.
I was number 3 at voting and number 3 at the VA for my lab test. just call me #3
starvation diet today broth and jello.
But coffee and tea ok . great
The other morning I saw 20 or 21 degrees.
In two months, we'll be thinking 20 degrees was a heat wave.

Keef,I like your Chicago method. Vote early, vote often! I had to inform the old ladies working the polls that they were in violation of the law by asking for a driver's or non-driver's license, but I didn't give them a hard time. They're just volunteers doing what they were told.
In two months, we'll be thinking 20 degrees was a heat wave.

Keef,I like your Chicago method. Vote early, vote often! I had to inform the old ladies working the polls that they were in violation of the law by asking for a driver's or non-driver's license, but I didn't give them a hard time. They're just volunteers doing what they were told.

drivers license should state weather or not your a US citizen. like a red white and blue star in the corner.
Gonna be a big night !-- There's three states voting on some kind of weed law right ? Alaska and who else ? Just a few more states and we have a majority and then we go national !-- It still feels like a dream sometimes !-- The right to be myself in public without going to jail ! Wow !-- Hey !-- I went looking for those Tranquil Elephantizer seed and they sold out !-- Well I could go look for some other variety but there may be a reason they out ! No I got this one treed !-- I WILL have it !-- I start bird dogging it hard come December !
In two months, we'll be thinking 20 degrees was a heat wave.

Keef,I like your Chicago method. Vote early, vote often! I had to inform the old ladies working the polls that they were in violation of the law by asking for a driver's or non-driver's license, but I didn't give them a hard time. They're just volunteers doing what they were told.

here in the south, well the state i'm in. if you don't have a picture id you don't vote. we have done this for afew years now and now it is the state law.
here in the south, well the state i'm in. if you don't have a picture id you don't vote. we have done this for afew years now and now it is the state law.

Same here. Technically, it's illegal according to the 24th amendment unless the picture ID can be acquired for free. Otherwise, it could be construed as a "poll tax", which before 1964 was used to stop poor people from voting.
crossing my fingers toes n dog paws for the legalizing CANNABIS IN FLORIDA
Morning O.F.C. !-- Good Day to all !-- We got a storm moving in to the beach this morning !-- pressure changes jack with my face something fierce !-- Gonna be a long one so I'll just have to stay lit and hang out with the O.F.C. !
Morning Curmudgeonlanders, hope everybody went out and voted yesterday. I did, not happy with some of the outcomes, but at least now I can bitch about it, if I choose to. If you missed out on the first session, it`s time for #2. So it`s wake and bake time. Later. Peace.
I'm down with a second Wake and Bake !-- Took my socks off so I could do some higher math !-- I planted my Widow seed over 15 months ago -- she old - but she still do the trick ! This time next year I expect her to still be around ! Bring this " Slow Motion Love Potion" into the stable and she'll stay just as long ! Cross it on my Widow the way they put Northern Lights on the Widow for the White Rhino !- Keep a pure Widow Line -- Develop the Cross into it's best for another keeper and hang onto a T.E. line ! In the mean time I continue the "Quest For The Green Grail ". Hope I have to smoke a lot of weed to find it !
I just found a test tube of Widow pollen ! That complicates everything !!-- Where's Umbra ? They developed the T.E. when they reversed the parents right ?-- there's some complicated geneology here !-- which phenotype is the Freak ? Sure it is mostly indica but plenty sativa floating around in the gene pool !- that means that F-1 cross WILL have a variety of phenotypes ! Drop some 411 on a brother !
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