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Nice Kraven ,The name says it all,"Good job,Enjoy"
KEEF,,,,,The UPS guy knows your growing????????
That is not good Bro. You cant trust nobody my friend,,,especially someone that has nothing to lose turning your *** in. :bolt:
No Hopper The UPS doesn't know I'm growing !--I've seen several !-I have just ordered most of my stuff online!--It's delivered by different carriers and different drivers ! I'm more careful than it seems !-- Hit it again Kraven !
I'm opening a gym called "Resolutions." It will have exercise equipment the first two weeks & then turn into a bar for the rest of the year. Who's for Resolutions?
I need an RN consultation.... You nurses have time?

I awoke at midnight with shooshing in my ears so loud. and i was HOT.. took my bp and it was 180/90...Holy crap, so i took my bp medicine. Then i had heart burn, yes, i am thinking heart attack too so I get up to take some apple cider vinager for the heart burn and i proceed to throw that all up burning my throat.
So i go back to bed now this morning the bp is 80/60.. My throat is sore i think from the vinager...Can i just ride this out a while?

edit: some may say i need help if getting medical advice from the ofc'...lol I trust the nurses we have on staff here at ofc, just sayin.
Did you imbibe in alcohol recently? If not, don't ride it out. Get a doctor's appointment ASAP. Why apple cider vinegar? That would make me throw up too!
Rose, are you using an auto B/P machine? That 80/60 may not be accurate.
I don't drink at all never. I will go re take it. It is my old machine yes, auto. I have no chest pain. just throat and feel like tired.
Rose ,,:confused: Might take a aspirin...Get a good Bp machine,On the way home from doctors... NURSE!!!
I re took 157/77.. I just smoked a part of a joint a few minutes ago.

The apple cider vinager helps with heart burn and leg cramps..
This is very weird, i took bp meds for 20 years and was fine always. A couple of months ago because of knee pain, I think my bp went way up. I went in and doc said to up the dose by a half or a whole depending on how it was. I took a whole one at midnight.

I feel ok now, just tired and sick to my stomach. Thanks DD.
Better to be safe than sorry Rose !--First U gotta double check those numbers !-- U eat right -U exercise -- U reduce stress smoking weed !--I think U got a broke machine and ate something that didn't agree with U !--Sweating bullets then throw up ?-- but -just in case get it checked out !--Some may say I'm wrong but I think one of the biggest risk for heart attack is worrying that U might have a heart attack ! Just saying !
Keef had high BP years ago before he got his pain managed. Once he was able to manage pain, he didn't need the BP meds. Probably nothing to worry about Rose, but keep a check on it. Check it when you're chill; if it's high when you're chill, then you might be concerned. BP is always highest upon awakening.
Sounds like keef needs to be hunting down some hippy slayer for his juice.

Kraven so generous he gave away his prize jar!!
Ok, thank you DD, and you too keef. The bit of pot I had is making me feel better. I think this sounds like a good day to take it easy, movies and stuff.

Thank you, if it goes crazy again I will go in. And, when my stomach is better i will take an aspirin. Thanks guys.. OFC Clinic.
just like our plants ,we need magnesium .I take a Prilosec every day for heartburn. but any stomach pill will cause shortage of magnesium. cramps are a sign of a need for magnesium. dehydration causes cramps also.
U be O.K. Rose !--Dog I was thinking the same thing about Kraven giving away a jar of his favorite weed !--I think we need to go party with Kraven !--I'll bring one of those reusable grocery bags --Just in case !--
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