They popping in there Cane ! 2 more Aurora Indica and this Pure Power Plant thing coming up too!-- Happy Birthday to Mrs. C.!--Cook the Lady some dogs and have her hit that wax a time or 2!-
evening everybody, got my buzz on and stepping high. keef these we beans are popping better then the first round with them. i'm letting my soil soak up a bit of water so i can drop the second one in. maybe they needed to age a bit more. i store my beans in my closet, and have never froze them before. doesn't mean i'm right it's just the way i do it.
Congrat giggy! That is always so scary. Glad it turned out as it did.
Cane, i got the hard stuff done now so maybe it will be peace and joy and stoned for christmas. Thanks for the reminder. Tell your wife HB from the ofc. I am sure she will be properly impressed. Smoking some papaya, i think it is a pine terpine..
Giggy --I'm excited for U and those "White Elephant" -- It was a T.E. male crossed on my White Widow --White Elephant has already been claimed on and is not the same as the O.F.C. White Elephant!--I have some T.E. female crossed on Umbra's Trips !--Maybe we cross your White Elephant on my T.E. female crossed on one of Umbra's prodigy Trips!-- About that clone shipping --I've never did this of course but if I were to --I would put the root ball in a baggies and secure with a twist tie or something -- Put it in a tuperware container with some padding and put it in a box and overnight ship it and I'm pretty sure there would be no problem !
maybe we should call it tranquil widow instead, if these do there thing and i get both male and female you know what is going to happen. as it seems i'm the only one with them i think i will change the name. if just female then maybe some fem seed. just so happens i have this 99% pure silver coin. what happen to beemer? didn't he have one too? while i'm asking what happen to gloman? if i remember right the other white elephant was a cross between a purple elephant (supposed to be a heavy hitter) and a white widow.
Stank Dank --I don't remember seen U around !--Welcome to the O.F.C. !-- What up Cuz !--Shame on U for not dropping in for 600 pages !-- Ain't like U gotta be old to be an old Fart !--Cuz I'm trying to get some seed out of Canada --U don't know any Canadians do U ? Giggy -- That Widow -T.E. cross should do U well !-- If I have a few of these T.E. -Trips cross seed --I'll get U some !--Be some excellent breeding stock !
Heck of a day today. My body hurts in multiple places. Those babies worked me hard! Turned into a 13 hour day with a 15 minute lunch & one bathroom break. Wanted to quit! Trying to relax with some smoke. Got the heat packs on too. And, I gotta do it again tomorrow! Thank god I have a hot tub! BTW Kraven, good news about your wife.
Ya cook a couple dogs,Little Dab, the ol is snoring in er chair wit the cat..."Sweet"
Yep Rose I could Just feel it, to much Hub Bub going on here too....We need to just Chill & Enjoy
Keef & Giggy be doin some Breeding....
Stank welcome Back ......
Thanks for all the congrats. Feels good to be momma! I have never seen seeds pop in one day like that; just amazing! Obviously they're really good seeds. I knew we could plant seeds!
Giggy --Last I heard from the the Gloman was early November he was about to have a total knee operation and said he'd probably be around more while he was recovering --Haven't heard a peep since ! --This spring he plowed up a plot and planted a "Wild Patch" which worked out well for him!--Don't know how much he got but removing 400 males says a lot !--He said he'd be running that Flower Tower for the for see able future !-- Giggy --I know where the legend named Stank Dank !-- I was just picking on him !--I been searching for a Canadian for awhile !---Stank what was that GG#4 U were unable to get up there ? -- Tell us what U looking for up there--The O.F.C. we get stuff done !-- Cane --Yeah we do a little breeding !-The genetics of the O.F.C. have mixed a little !-- Bout to get freaky in a couple months !-- Gonna breed us some 4n tetras and raise the bar !--I want the O.F.C. to be known from breeding and growing legendary weed !--All we gotta do is share genetics !--Giggy gonna do so.e breeding --Got to have a goal !
Go Cane !--I happen to know some people in this club got a little knowledge about growing !-- Get your groove on --cloning station--Veg area -- Bloom area and U can run a rotation grow with a regular harvest !--
Hey Rose, make sure you lock your doors tonight. I see where Washington accidently released 3,200 prison inmates prematurely. Makes ya sleep cozy, huh?