Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Sorry Kraven !--Let me say it how it is !-- Kraven is a pot farmer he grow stuff that would be top shelf anywhere !--Not that I would know personally --but I seen the pics!-- Now he has to go out there and try to be something else !--That's just wrong !--Let the man be what he is and he won't need any help !-- Makes me sad !
Yep Keef Windy, Rainy, & Raw out ..But you know Cuz. spent my last five years at work, working in the Bering Sea.. But I think the coldest I been was in the gulf of Mexico, Mid winter, only in the low 30s but the humidity.. Man I need a smoke!!
All I want is to grow my own Meds without getting put in jail. I could give a crap about big business or making money from Weed. I have a Business. Just wanna be left alone to live my life. Ill let Keef deal with all that other ,,,,,,,,ahhhhhh,,,,,shi,,,,I mean stuff. Lol
I hear U Cane!--Hey Dog --My goal when prohibition ends is 100 lbs a year !--- With an indoor rotation of a 60 day finisher running 365 would give me a harvest twice a month !--How many pounds I need to harvest every 2 weeks to meet that goal ?
Morning Hopper !--I'm glad U got a good business --I don't!-- I don't expect to get rich growing weed Cuz !-- Growing weed is the only skill I got left !--I'm 60 no real heath problems except from the injury !--My people tend to live well into thier 90s and beyond !-- I have no intention of retiring !--They let me grow weed legally and I have no financial worries and I get to smoke the best weed around and it never cost me a dime !--Yep!--Rose said something about what a man does defines what he is his mind ? -- We'll I'm a pot farmer ! Let me grow 100 pounds a year and do some voodoo to the end product and make lots of people smile !
I have a business yes,,,a good one now that might be a stretch,, cause I damn sure aint rich,,lol
Only businesses around here getting rich are the Fat Cat Churches.
Yeah im 60,,,and ill be 70 in 10 yrs,,and weed still wont be legal in the south.
W.H. I'm with you ,just wanta grow enough good Meds, for Mom & I...
Keef that Sounds like a lot of stress and work...
But a little operation with high end stuff,would be, like a vineyard with it's fine wine...Now that might not be so bad...

Geezzz We all banging 60 here??
Yep Cane !--Small high end mom and pop operation !---Really don't need a 100 pounds just seemed like a good even number !-- I will probably be skipping the trim and cure and kinda like Hippie runs everything into bubble hash ---I hope to run everything thru a Super Critical CO2 hash oil extraction machine !-- Make some e-cig juice or other desirable product from it !- U can still get 99 years in prison for making a concentrate down where me and Hopper live !--So U can be sure I haven't done any research -testing and stuff like that -- I don't smoke weed either !!-mmm?m? If I had that would be against the law !
I'll help the average age out, I'm 27. That should bring the average down to around 57. Lol
Wow Y.D. 27, I had a feelin, You should start a young bucks club...LOL...
Freaken Young Whipper Snapper,,,what tha hell you doen in the old ppls section. I got kids older then you. Matter fact my youngest is 27.
Just messen wit ya YD,,,you are more then welcome to hang out with us old folk. Yehaaaaaaaaaa
Good morning old farts and young fart. Am I the oldest at 63????? Yikes.

Giggy, I hope you hear soon. That is scary waiting.. been there, was ok. I hope she is too.

RAIN, i am not kidding you. Crazy. I hope no trees fall when the wind comes.

After getting caught up in this thread, i want soup and stews. yum. Maybe i will make one today. Hope ya'll are warm and dry and stoned.
Morning Rose. Yep its mighty warm here in Dallas,,,go figure. Freaken weird *** weather. Never seen such screwed up temps in my life.
Freaken Young Whipper Snapper,,,what tha hell you doen in the old ppls section. I got kids older then you. Matter fact my youngest is 27.
Just messen wit ya YD,,,you are more then welcome to hang out with us old folk. Yehaaaaaaaaaa

Got two Young 40s
Don' forget the Grand Kids 2 There
Dog who's gonna carry the torch when the rest of us are in the ground ? -- I'm glad to have U around little brother !-- Ya'll check my math and reasoning on this ?--- With that CO2 hash oil extractor I recover about 10% of the start dry weight ?-- So from a kilo of fine weed I should be able to recover 100 grams of oil ?-- That e-cig stuff they can't keep on the shelf got 100 -200 miligrams of hash oil per gram (cc) !--retails for $45-50 a gram !-- So I ran a kilo and recovered 100 grams of oil !--I put 250 miligrams of the best oil I can make into a gram (cc) -- I have 100 grams of oil --That would make 400 (cc) (?) of high grade Outlaw e-cig liquid ? --- How much it take to replace $100,000-150,000 a year ! --
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