Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Keef I am feeling your pain. I have injured myself many times and did nothing about it. I was young and dumb thinking I was invincible. Now being an old fart I'm paying. Maybe I should have had the broken bone fixed or the hip put back in place the right way but that wasn't my way. Now I have really bad hip and leg pain that when put off to the side with our beloved herb it's a lot better. I also have had heart problems that were taken care of with surgery but there is always something going on with it. Skipped beats, slow then fast. I am using RSO now 3 times a day to see if I can heal those problems too. Modern medicine isn't teaching the doctors how to heal anymore. Only how to make money.
I forgot to mention we also use Holy Basil for a lot of problems. It's a great herb that is an adaptogens which means it goes to where it's needed in the body. Look it up, I think it something we should all be growing and using. I'm waiting for mine to germinate.
Rosebud -- I owe U an apology !-- I don't know why I picked on U about your Nurse Larry !-- I didn't really have an interest in it!-- I just just zeroed in on U and started looking looking for emotional buttons to push !-- I'm really sorry ! I don't understand why my mind does things like that ! Something just takes over and I'm just along for the ride. !
4 Cannacaps out of prime bud and two Soma are starting to kick in ! Can't walk and talk very well but it's keeping the horrors at bay ! Hippie says he don't want to get so high he ends up with the dust bunnies under the couch !-- Cuz, I gotta go at least that far to make it quit !
Good day weed everyone. Hey bozzo,, oh that's right he's playing cards today, Anyway I have burned the sulfur burner for a couple of hours and it took care of the mold in the greenhouse. PGG is looking really good again. Bozzo it's at least 3 week or longer to the finish of this plant, do you think I can burn again in a week and not get the taste if i wash the buds. ??????????
Keef...pain is pain, and it always hurts. I have my share of stories...just not able to share them. Its all water under the bridge. There is a prison called yesterday and another called tomorrow, and the only place you're free is in between. Right here, right now, and fully engaged.
from the eons of time to the passing of stars
everyone is looking for who they are,
the ones that know
don't have the words to tell,
and the ones with the words
don't know too well...
could be a famine
could be a feast
could be the pusher
could be the priest,
it's always ourselves
we love the least,
because that's the burden of the angel/beast.
Good day weed everyone. Hey bozzo,, oh that's right he's playing cards today, Anyway I have burned the sulfur burner for a couple of hours and it took care of the mold in the greenhouse. PGG is looking really good again. Bozzo it's at least 3 week or longer to the finish of this plant, do you think I can burn again in a week and not get the taste if i wash the buds. ??????????

I don't use burner anytime during flower. peroxide and water works great and the no powdery mildew is great stuff . can use either till harvest. both makes any mold disappear. peroxide and water works for several days and the other works for at least a week. I would not do anymore burning. I'm going with mold resistant varieties and umbra's lactic acid bacteria brew net year. try peroxide and water 10to1 , that and the no powdery mildew got me to harvest ,but I don't want to do it again.
Thanks agaain all !-- I didn't mean to take the forum to a dark place ! Sorry !-- We all have our own demons to deal with mine are no worse than others !-- I'm trying to deal with mine but I have a broken mind !-- Umbra -- One day I hope to sit down with U and burn one ! I have no idea what happened to U but I recognize a kindred spirit when I meet one ! Hey !- When I had to run away from the hospital to get help -- The boss sent a couple of big boys to stop me from leaving -- I heard them coming and Palmed the butterfly knife from my bag !- When they openned the door and told me I couldn't leave-- I flipped the blade open and spun it around in the air and flipped it around a few time and had it put up before they knew what happened !- I told them if you're going to stop me you're gonna need some help and pushed right passed them !-- I wasn't even sure that had happened until I bumped into one of the guys and he asked me about it ! Quess they never met anyone who was proficient with a butterfly knife !
a friend of mine shot himself in the head with a .45 while sitting next to me
to many of our friends did not think they would live past 40. When the did ,they could not take it . the rest of us are not quitters. had one friend ask if I wanted to go for a dune buggy ride in his new buggy. I was cooking a apple pie ,so my best friend ever went instead. He died when they hit a tree. We are all lucky to be around . peace everyone.
Let's all take a couple of tokes and turn those frowns upside down. :)

Life is way too important to take seriously. We're all just here to have fun. The rest is inconsequential.
Umbra, when i read that I almost got sick. How in the world do you deal with something like that? Did he want you to be the last person to be with him? I have so many thoughts. That thoughtless bastard comes to mind. A really sick soul, comes to mind, a very brave friend comes to mind. There are no words.

I love your poem. Thank you.
Typed my story up twice and lost `em both. Must not be the time to tell it. Later.
Was gonna post some song lyrics but I'm to lit to do it !-- Been listening to Stephen Stills -- Tree Top Flyer -- Arlo Guthry - Coming into Los Angeles -- and Alice's Restaurant -- Charlie Daniels Band -- Still in Saigon --- Robin Troyer -- Bridge of Sighs -- Green Day and U 2-- The Saints are Coming ! Steve Earl -- Cooperhead Road ! Canned Heat -- Going Up the Country -- Johnny Cash --Hurt -- his last song ! Music always helps ! Good Night O.F.C. !!-- see ya in da morning for Wake and Bake !
Sleep would have been nice but my demons decided not to let me !--Looks to be a long night ! Anyone up I Could use the company -- but no discussing horror stories -- O.K. !
good fry-day morning ofc. looks like my knee is going to give me problems today, but if that is all that bothers me then it will be a good day. got the coffee brewing, so it is time to get started. yall have a great day. peace
Mornin', Giggy. I'll see your knee and raise you a spine. Mine's letting me know it didn't appreciate bouncing around on the tractor sucking up 90 cubic feet of maple leaves yesterday.

My 80 year old neighbor came walking down yesterday and asked if I needed more leaves. Had a smile on his face when he said it, too, so no rest for the wicked. I'll get all the parts moving and head to his place and start over again.

Hey, they make great fertilizer in my organic gardens, not to mention the old boy is as good of a neighbor as they get. I can't mow the back five without seeing his tractor heading my way, and he won't take a dime for gas.

Good neighbors are as dear as good weed.:)
good morning . It is a fine day with all the aches and pains .We are all ok because we can still REMEMBER things that have happened.
Not a good morning in yooperland. Looking at the girls this morning, I was feeling good, cause it looked like my pollination endeavor was a success. Both buds I pollinated appeared different looking then the others on the same plant. Looked like they had seed pods developing. Then I noticed some white stuff on a small leaf. *** is this ? Vale' Vale' had hermied in a spot or two and dropped pollen. Removed the bitch and am hoping for the best. Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated. No peace this morning, only war.
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