Good Afternoon here OFC, :spit: and :bong2: Kitten are going into 8 week, this is when to get rid of them. Got to get to the supper mart and stand out there with a sign. Fun city. DD, I really hope you get to love your job. Time for another hit. Have a fun day:icon_smile:
In thier wisdom the P.O.A. ruled that the main living area of a home must be on the ground floor --A few w story homes but none on stilts or anything !-I got a 3 bedroom 2 car garage 2 bath on a slab ---4ft. above sea level !-- U can hear the waves at night !--Figure it would be a good idea to keep the flood insurance current !--The breaker box is in the garage ---I got to shut main power off and fish my #6 - wire through the hole where the other circuits all come through from the attic--Run it across the living room and kitchen to the patio out back --Then come out the attic into PVC conduit down to the A.G.I.F. safety breaker ---Then in to conduit down to the floor and out to the tub !!-Then leave some slack inside where I start making the connections at the tub,the safety switch then to the 50 amp breaker--following the instructions included ! Plug in the new breaker in the off position- Call D.D. and get her to turn on the main power !--If nothing blows up we flip the new breaker circuit on and if all is well go turn turn the safety switch to on !--We good ?-- Then turn of tub controls !--If they respond properly we done !--filler up !--
Nes -- Don't feel bad !-- This is kinda new !-- Most things in nature have their DNA ( the instructions of L they'll be in ) Most plants in nature are 2n --that is they have two strands connected like a ladder and twisted up tight !-When they reproduce the DNA unravels and separates into two halves -- It reconnects with half of the other parents DNA and produce a fertile seed with traits of mom and dad!-- There is a chemical that interferes with this process and the few survivors will have a full set of mom and dad's DNA connected like 2 ladders connected in the middle of the rungs and twisted up !-- A survivor will have 4 halves in it's DNA !--Most of the surviving plants will be mutants looking things but if the green gods are pleased --U may find something Like the mythical U.B.C. Chemo !-- These plants are called tetraploid or 4n!-- U do that process to the tetra or 4n seed and produce 8n seed!--U can breed 8n to 4n and get 6n---6n can be bred to our regular 2n plants and the off spring will be tetraploid or 4n --No further chemical treatment needed !-- There's over 7,000 of our regular 2n or diploid varieties!--Since some mythical varieties were tetraploid or 4n !- I intent to breed myself a legend ! This process is what they do to make seedless watermelons !--A tetra 4n watermelon is bred to a regular 2n watermelon !--The seed will be 3n or triploid and can't be fertilized so no seed !- Thumbs are tired got to go !-- Another reason to know about this is --$550 an ounce !
Thanks Keef, Keef what kind of HI is a AK47? I like a earthy taste. They is so much to learn. Next, year for me will be a better year for me.:farm: I got to slow down on smoking, cause then it will be all gone. Third hand deal just is not my bag.
Nes --I just feel the next level in the future of weed is in tetraploids -- in theory they COULD be twice as strong as a diploid ! As far as I know the only 8n plant in the world belongs to that Billy Budd dude in Canada!--He say he got 6n female clones !---He got 6n female clones ?-- He had to have an 8n! --Probably just one !---- Yo Hippie !--I probably already know but there is a brick wall behind the breaker box !--No way out without drilling brick ! Got'm to go up and across!
Almost forgot !--Cane I hear there's a fat green man man headed your way !--Grow them big and grow them strong ! They at the Green Santa headquarters for all I know !--They in his hands now !
Keef When it rains it pours ....Hear that Santa is flying in from several directions, Lovin it..
Glad you got a nice batch of smoked Salmon, that smokin is fun Eh..
It's time for me to smoke a whole chicken soon. Salt and sugar brine and a slow apple smoke. Tastes more like a ham. When you stab it, juice runs out. Yeah, its about time. Mrs Dog don't care for smoked meats much. I don't smoke much because of that.
Cane I know how to tend a fire and smoke low and slow !-A nice smoke ring can't be faked !! But most pits are steel and U get maybe 2 years be the begin to rust away !-- I man whined D.D. into spending the money and getting me a stainless steel insulated electric smoker! !--Used about half a 2in.-× -2in alder chunk to smoke 3-4 lbs. Half Salmon !- Set the temp a timer put the meat in and turn on -walk away and come back when it's perfect !--If U know the temp and how long ?-- Let the machine do it ! I can do things to a brisket that should be against the law !-- No knife needed !-- If U got to have sauce D.D. got one that'll rock your world !--
Yep Cane!-- She do !--See I got a twisted mind !--We would like to hang out outside or in the hot tub and burn our weed without paranoia--like they can do in the free states and not worry about the neighbors smelling weed and calling the Po-Po ! The wind blows good most times but we want to smoke outside ? -- I fire up the smoker and can U smell me now ?
Nursing takes a toll on your body and your mind !-- She took care of me a long time and what chance would a crippled up stoned crazy Old Fart hope to take that financial burden off her ?? -- There must be some skill I could develop that would allow me to allow her to quit working without giving up her life style or anything else?--- Got to be some skill that would provide that !-- I got an idea !-- Wonder if we could learn to grow weed like the kind they grow in the free states ?-- I wish I had some friends who could teach me all about growing weed !-- Oh Yeah !-- That's right I do !-- They'll really let me grow weed without going to jail after prohibition ends ?-- Sure it's not a trap ?
Cane they take U to jail for pipe residue around here !-- They got a special task force to tract weed like we grow back to it's source !-- If they catch a pot farmer they put them in cuffs a d make them watch as they smash the grow equipment and rip the plants down !-- Don't matter if it's one plant or 100!