Dam I'm good !--Nothing but net !
Nes, pm me your addy, i will send you a pipe. consider it a christmas present. It will be clean from the store, you can't get busted for a clean pipe can ya?
Hippie, you are always right, but this one felt different to me. It still does.
We are having wind and snow melting, i am a happy girl.
Just for clarity this is not about politics but about the structure of our government !--U see there are 3 separate branches of government to balance each other so that no one branch of government held all the power!----Congress passes laws and to keep the balance the president has the right to veto a bill passed by Congress !---To balance his veto power congress has the ability to over ride it with a 2/3 majority !-- A united congress can pass a law and enforce thier will with a 2/3 majority ! The President has no power to make change or change a decision made by Congress ! That is the job of the judicial branch ! For instance if Congress passes a law that the court finds unconstitutional they can scrap the law !---So that's how it all works and when an election is held it is our duty to respect the wishes of the majority !--
Let smoke :48:, Auto Lemon Haze here. Rose, I do not know how to pm or what a addy is. I'm going to ask my daughter to walk me though the steps. I'm not to good at all with computers.
Yeah Rose, I know it was wrong to say here, but sometimes you got to do what feels right. Keef, you made sure to clarify you wasn't involved!
Nes, I think she meant address.
:rofl:I give up.