Rose, Your memorial sounds like a great and lasting tribute to your dog.
Keef, get better Eh!!
Dog, that looks like you get some quick heat outa that baby.
Must be getting better !--I find myself scheming on how to get those seed from that Canadian hard head !-- It would save me a lot of time effort and several thousand seed !-- U can't tell something exist but I can't have it !--Hide and watch !-- I'm gonna breed myself a Tetraploid legend even if I have to make them myself !
If I can't lay hands on Billy Budd's tetraploid seed --I do me an outside seed grow --Soak the seed for 30 minutes in .25 % solution of Cholchiline and kill 997 out of 1000 fertile seed-Those that survive will be tetraploid --Just like normal diploid marijuana --Every pot plant isn't a keeper!-- It may be as many as 1 in 10 or as few as 1 in 100 !-- It is just a numbers game !-- Keef's Green Grail !!--It calls to me U know ? -- Mane if U gonna dream --Dream big !!--After Rose's Monsanto rant --I started thinking !!--Wouldn't it be a hoot when Big Pharm gets to Octoploid MJ --There was already an old Stoner like me there giving them the one finger salute ! I would like for that to be my finger ! U can't win if U don't play !--Sometimes I win !
Just looking at the pic I think I understand how it works !--Ever clear in the bottom -- the weed in the filter--Alcohol evaps and rise thru the weed--The vapor condenses because of the vanes and drips back thru the weed extracting the oil--Is that how it works Bozzo?-- How much weed will it hold and how long U run it?
Yeah Cane I might just live!--Gonna lay up and heal some today --I got stuff to do -can't stay down long !-- -- I said something about big pharm when I was high yesterday !--The Holy Grail they seek is a True Sensimillia --The seed companies were able to make seedless watermelons with triploids because there is no wild waterman pollen floating around !--DNA in normal diploid plants like latter that is twisted up tight longways !--Triploids mean 3 legs in that ladder --The most that is commercially successful is Octaploid or 8 legs such as those great big strawberries!--A nurse higher and it doesn't have run in the cell for it function properly !--There are 3 chances at a True Sensimillia --3 -5-and 7--If DNA can't split down the middle evenly it is not supposed to be sterile--At three there's a question about whether They are all sterile --Not sure Why !-- What is wanted is a most potent plant that can't be fertilized!-- It starts by making Tetraploid (4) then making treating tetra seed to make Octaploid (8) -- Then breeding down!--A normal diploid plant can be crossed with an Octaploid to make another tetraploid --Anyway --Somewhere in that jumbled mess of DNA lies some jewels waiting to be discovered!-- There's over 7,000 diploid varieties and they won't let polyploids compete in the cups cause it is Outlaw Weed !--We'll I know a few Outlaws !
Umbra got access to at least one Tetraploid he'll admit to I wish he would cross it on a fine diploid male and make us some triploid terminator seed!-- I would not play poker with Umbra he got burned once and never shows his whole hand anymore !---I understand!! U got something besides Clockwork Orange don't U Umbra ?
Good Morning OFC. Keef, this round running nothing but Jack. We had some volunteers last time and some of the bud got lightly seeded. Back East, nobody would trip about it, the weed was that good. When given a choice between the Jack and King Louis, the clubs wanted Jack. The Iso II works like a soxhlet extractor. My buddy Boner, is interested in getting into the seed business and we may work on a few things together. More that that, I am just trying to grow good weed and I have lots to do.
I'd like to be able to know what they want out west and up north because if they want it there they'll want it here eventually !--- The polyploids will a side project --Most people around know weed by one name ---Weed!--I'll grow what people want --If they like what I like it's a plus !--Whatever happens I got about a year to find me a monster and a year to develop it !--I want to carve out myself a chunk of the connoisseur market!--High end E-cig liquid !--
Looky here, and what did I find ?
A bunch of like minded old farts, if I do say so myself.
Keef, bozzo420, sounds familiar through the haze in my head.
Wake and bake, with the Widow you say ? I say...hell yes.
Morning Perch !-- Some history of the O.F.C.--Once there was a thread at 420 mag. Called the "Over Fifty Club"--I was there with Yoop,Hippie,Bozzo, The Gloman and Beemer--Been awhile did I miss anyone?-- They hired some new mods who came down hard on us !--I don't know about the others but I was banned from 420 for life !--I went scouting for a new home for us and stumbled upon M.P. !--A year or so ago MP went dark and we didn't know what had happened so we regrouped at THCfarmer--Under a Thread Yoop started--Next day MP was back up --We mostly came back and I do need to stop by and say hello to Yoop!--Yoop had so.e problems posting pics at M.P. and moved back to THCFARMER !--
Eatin' left overs and watching college football....did a huge update, this day is the 2nd hardest in the garden other than taking them down. Trim and stake day