Nes, I can't see 'em cutting off your benefits because of weed. If that was the case, three quarters of Flint and half the state would lose out.
Disabled is disabled. Now, if it was a case like Keef's, the doc might pull your pain meds, but I doubt you need that poison anyhoo. Keef would tell ya that weed works better than the opiates do, and it isn't addicting.,
From 1967-1994 I smoked every day, sometimes all day. I quit when the pullet became aware of the world and didn't start back up 'til four years ago. Quit cold turkey. No withdrawals, no nothing. I have to laugh when I hear people that SHOULD know better say that pot is addicting. Physically, no. Psychologically, maybe to some. Psychologically, I'm addicted to cable TV, my truck, etc. If the cable goes out, I'm pissed. If the truck doesn't start, I'm pissed.