Morning O.F.C. !-- Dragging !--- Feels like someone used my face for a punching bag !-- Get a little confused sometimes !--
I quit posting on here after midnight ever since Yoop bailed. Lights out at the wrinkle farm seems to average around 23:00 hours.Wow it's late,no one around. guess I'll smoke...
I quit posting on here after midnight ever since Yoop bailed. Lights out at the wrinkle farm seems to average around 23:00 hours.
Right on Little Brother..No everyone knows I'm strange because I had a head injury! The T.V. had on a story about weed !-- Polls say 76 % of Texans think weed should be legalized in one form or another but the governor said not on his watch !--- Texas legislation don't convene again for 2 more years !-- Black gold -- Texas Tea -- under $50 a barrel !--- Might better start thinking of ways to make up for the loss of tax revenues !! --I'll be ready ! -- Yo Canada! -- Give a brother a break !-- Just sell me the seed !
Cane, Yoop's over at the THCfarm. Stroke on over and give him hell for leaving us!
Keef, my brother, I'd hold my nose and take a four hour round trip up to the People's Republic of Canada for ya, but the bastards won't let me across the border with a gun. I'd feel pretty naked without it, especially that close to Detroit.