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Sounded like a good idea at the time Dog !-- It wasn't !-- Hey Umbra - "Trips"-- still refuses to clone !- I got another type rooting hormone and there's Kraven's willow bark tea !-- Both have only been in bloom for about a week but the internode space is getting closer !-- If girls - I'll pull them back into veg until I find a way to clone them !
Want some of those pulled pork fries from Wendy's! Love junk food from time to time. Discovered chili cheese fries from Sonic about a year ago & just can't seem to get enough-- love them. God help me if I'm smoking something that makes me hungry!
morning ofc, it's a new day. something my dad and i had planned was to go to luckenbach texas to see a good friend of his jimmy lee jones. mom gave me a cd of jimmy and i think the next time i'm in texas i'm going in dad's honor. he does a song called comanche moon that is a real good song imo. coffee is done but i'm not baking cause my head is cloudy enough as it is. yall have a great day.
Good morning ofc. we have a sonic here but i have never been. Should I go there? I don't do fast food much... tacos and thai.. that is all.

Well i have a little harvesting to do this week. Rains start this weekend when i have trimmers coming. I am not going to cover the plants, just take them, as they are done growing, it will get too cold now for anymore real maturity to take place.. Wake me when it is over.
Only eat junk once & a while, neighbors traveled an hour for a sonic opening, Must be good S***..Myself, I would stick to the Thai Rose..
Monday is usually Pizza Hut night around here !-- KFC is my kind of fried chicken !-- We got a Sonic down the street !-- Lots of fast food around here !-- We need to get back to doing our B&B -- Burger on the Beach !-- Wife has been in the process of changing jobs so our whole routine has been out of whack !
I hope she gets the job she wants Keef. Sending good thoughts. burgers on the beach sound fun.

My old doctor said if you ever wondered if you had a gall bladder problem go eat at kfc and you would know. lol.... mr rb like that too.

mrcane, i think i could eat thai every day and never tire of it.

Smoking some cindy 99.. so speedy makes me grit my teeth.. lol love it.
harvesting here also Rose. 2 hopes down and not a sign one of any rot or mold. lots of big buds too. I think I have found my outdoor strain.
Thanks Rose !!- Our 10 year curse again !-- Don't think she'll find the job she wants-- She wants to put all this jobby-job stuff behind her and be a pot pharmer full time !--
Mojo for the harvest bozzo. That is awesome. I was looking at the la confid yesterday and saw a TINY green worm... I need a gun. Remind me of the strain?

I don't blame your wife keef, it is so nice to be retired. I wish she could do that full time.
Me too Rose !-- She's hooked on growing weed !-- I keep her updated on the O.F.C. -- So she pretty much knows U guys !-- One day I'll have to trot her out so U guys can get to know here as well !-- It'll be a challenge for us to replace her healthy salary but we can do that if they remove the threat of jail !-- I think I could have done it with the Widow alone !-- Then I got the T.E. it could easily pay the bills !-- Now I'm trying to get those Tetraploid seed out of Canada !-- I'll be ready !-- We just got to make it to the end of prohibition !
Good morning OFC. Rose the green worm might be a caterpillar, and they will destroy the buds very quickly.
Morning, Old Farts. Supposed to be sunny here today. It ain't. Weather forecasting is one of the four trades where you get paid whether you're right or wrong.

It's probably going to be a repeat of last year's harvest, in the rain. Time to get out the clothes pins and line.
Hippie To be a Weatherman in W. Wa. 50% chance of rain, how can you go wrong..
damn glad the deep cheese is in the greenhouse. I was walking by cutting more hope. I saw 3 buds rotting on the branches hanging out the window. they were out in the rain. I got the step ladder and went up top to check out the whole plant. All looks ok in the greenhouse. the ones hanging out the window will come down today. I'm hoping for a while longer in the house. But the first rot in the greenhouse and she will be gone. She has the best looking buds this year. still nothing on the hopes. except monster buds lol
I'm on a coffee and dube break.
hippie ,you can harvest wet. I have a super fan out there. I just shake the branch in front of the fan upside down. dries them right off. gets the ladybugs out too lol
Yep. That's what I did last year. Cut a bud, shake the snot out of it, toss it on newspaper, repeat. Clipped four eight inch fans on all corners of the dining room table and let 'em run. I stopped before they got crispy and let 'em dry naturally 'til I figured it was time to jar. left the lids on for a day and took 'em off for an hour or so. Did that until they were ready to store. No mold.

As wet as it was last year (remember the monsoons?), I only lost three medium sized buds to rot. Pure luck on my part.
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