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What up O.F.C. !-- I might live !-- Umbra I asked about the water because I'm gonna be growing in the spare bedroom -- I took the carpet up long ago and haven't replaced it but I can't have water running under the walls !-- Trying to figure out the best approach !-- With LEDs heat is not a problem -- How. Big are your grow containers ?-- Rose is that the small drying rack ?-- Didn't have enough coathangers ?
In that case, put the plants on a table. NCH uses plastic corrugated roof panels on a table with wheels, there is a slight angle tilt to it that has a plastic gutter that empties into a bucket.
Keef, i would buy a couple of bags of foxfarm ocean forest and plant in 5 gallon smart pots. I would get saucers for under the pots and then a tray under that. Like a cookie sheet. I would use worm castings as a top coat in veg and I would use bat guano in flower. I would use micorrazie (sp) and feed with worm water or teas if needed.
That is it in a nutshell, i don't think you want to make your own soil and this is a great way to go. Veg for 6 weeks or so and flip..
He was in and out fore I knew it !-- Strawberry ?-- There IS no flavor that can cover up that taste !-- that's one of the coolest things I ever saw !-- Maybe one day Texas be free too ! -- and they got these things look like big brown pills that smell like concentrated weed !-- crumble a little in a pipe get U real high when U smoke it !-- We don't have that kinda stuff !-
Evening all, got some more gear from a respected breeder, he let me name the strain and sent me both of the pheno's Frosty and the Fat. I'm excited. Giggy hang in there, you in my thoughts. So I can add NSA Fat and NSA Frosty to my stable of gear. Here is the back story on the strains if anyone is curious.

"NSA = Natural Stoney Additive

Named 9/16/15 By Kraven -

Some background info, this cross, NL x ABT, started out with a circa 2001 NL spring mix from Abnormal seeds. These were grown out in 2002, along with the NL, there was a multitude of different genetics in the room, one being the strain Aurora Bubble Tooth, ( Aurora Indica x Bubblegum x Sweet Tooth #3 ) made by JLP ( Jeffery Lee Pedimore ), as luck would have it, those all were males.

The best ABT male was then used to pollinate the entire room and the 2 NL , fat and frosty, and we have the NLxABT.......

So... this strain was never given a proper name, maybe you would like to help name the strain? I'll send you a grip of both the fat and the frosty to try out for yourself.."
Congrats Kraven. Always getting the killer deals with beans.
You know your doing alright when you get free samples and they let you name it!!
He was in and out fore I knew it !-- Strawberry ?-- There IS no flavor that can cover up that taste !-- that's one of the coolest things I ever saw !-- Maybe one day Texas be free too ! -- and they got these things look like big brown pills that smell like concentrated weed !-- crumble a little in a pipe get U real high when U smoke it !-- We don't have that kinda stuff !-
I think Green Santa is turning around and heading back your way:huh:
Love that Green Santa dude !-- Next time I think I should read the destructions on the Gummy Bear package -- too late this time !-- - That'll work ya'll !-- Texas ain't ready for dis !
took down the SLHXBD (purple haze)today. there is a big hole in my yard....Good night now...lol
Good evening all had a busy day , had an old sliding glass door hanging around so made a wind break with them and some 4x4 framing...then biked 10 mi round trip to store.
Thanks all for the drying tip with the fan..
Rose beautiful Pic of the moon.. Lota talk about Santa Baby!!
I gotta get high.:48:
Morning Dog !-- I ain't real good at reading instructions !-- Seems they's 10 doses in that Gummy Bear !!- So I don't know how much is in a Gummy head but it's enough !-- Bad Boy was on it's way to my boy when the wife said WAIT !-- But - it was too late to wait !-- Chased it with some coconut oil !- Lit me up !-- Cuz them Yanks be making some fine hash too !-- Took me back to another time !-- I got up this morning and hit it again !-
Giggy, peace to you and your family on this hard day.

Umbra, chilly here too 43 I think. Good day to trim. Would you let those LA's go a little amber? They are solid cloudy now.. but things are moving fast around here...crazy.

Sounds like you had very gummy bear experience Keef... Ya'll be careful...yeah right, keef be careful..never mind.. have fun.

Good morning brendan, welcome back to mp, you were here before my time. nice to have old members come home.
Forgot my manners !-- Brendan glad to have U around !-- Gonna hit 90 here again today !-- Yeah !- Rose I do need supervision at times !-- Kraven when U firing up that cloner ?--
I got room !-- Think maybe it's time to get on ball and get those Tetraploid seed and find out if he selling the truth or a lie !--- Trips and the normal B.B. are moving to bloom tommorrow to be sexed !- if either is a girl it takes over for my pink line Widow !-- A boy will be bred to My black line Widow and the T.E. just for kicks !
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