bwanabud ?
bwanabud what ?
Oh, a wanna be, a bawana be....joiner of our exclusive club. First gotta meet our stringent criteria for membership.
#1...Over 50
Nobody in there right mind would wanna be this old.
Gotta give `em this one. Pass.
#2...Not of sound mind
Proved this by wanting to join our exclusive club.
OK then, he/she meets the strict criteria for membership. As a member you must live by the club rules. Yes rules. All good clubs have rules, and this is a good club. Actually we have only one rule.
We tell no fibs, no half truths, no little white lies, no white lies, no half baked lies, no bold faced lies, no down right lies, no lies in any way, shape or form. Now, no one has ever been caught, do not be the first one. This is due to circumstances beyond our control. These are, but not limited to, hearing loss, failing eyesight, brain farts (many of `em), senior moments (many of these too), but mostly due to a " who gives a sh%$ attitude". The formalities are done with, on to everyone`s favorite part. Find a sittin` spot and partake with us in the enjoyment of some of "Mother Nature`s" finest medicinal herbs. There, you be a member, to be for evermore known as an old fart and curmudgeon. One thing left to do, and that is, ya gotta move to "Curmudgeonland", our ancestral home. Congrats, you be one of us, he, he, he.