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My mother passed @ 7:54pm est, may she rest in peace.

Sorry to hear of your loss. I just went through this also. My nephew just past from pancreatic cancer. He was my brother. I've also made my peace. God Speed
Thank you all for the well wishes, I'm in a world of hurt right now and not sure which way is up, just taking it a few minutes at a time right now.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh -- Feel like the day after a mighty a** whooping !-- I took some caps -- packed the pipe -- Try to make it better !-- rainy today !-- Sit in my easy chair and pickle myself in THC !--
Good morning ofc. I have a very heavy heart this morning for Kraven. Thank you for the note. You do just have to take it a few minutes at a time. You gave her the gift I would want my kids to do. As I said in my note, you are her legacy and a damn good one.

I had fun with my company. Kick *** lady. She is 64 and flew from seattle to allentown pa to pick up a new to her camper and drove it home by herself 3000 miles. I am too much of a chicken to do that. She was ready to get toasted by the time she got here. We laughed. It was good to see an old friend from forever...first grade.

My son in law sent me a pic of our daugher (40) doing a zip line. Geez....i didn't need to see that. I texted him back and asked if she lived...all i saw was her hauling down a zip into trees! He hasn't got back to me yet. He is in trouble.
I know ya'll tired my talk of tetras -- I'm feeling a little angry about being lied to by seed companies -- If UBC Chemo -- ChemDawg -- O.G. Kush -- Pink Kush - and G-13-- Were true tetras and tetras produce sterile triploids when crossed with a diploid --- This means that all the crosses involved with those plants were based on a lie !-- They CAN NOT be descendents of a tetraploid !
Funeral at ten Saturday, thank you all for your kind words during my time of grief.
Sorry Little Brother. She is no longer in pain. She will be with you forever. Lost my Father when he was 36,,i was 11. He will always be with me as she will be with you. Much respect.
Yo Hippy -- When U gonna set up for a winter grow ?-- Might want to save a spot !-- If I was gonna keep a mother -- This thing would be hard to beat !-- Easy to clone -- slower than the Widow -- Seeing strong roots at about 9-10 days-- As soon 2 weeks into bloom she strarts getting fuzzy !-- Hey Umbra -- "Trips " doesn't want to clone and the leaves are so dark !-- Was gonna send it to bloom on the 15 th -- but not until I have a rooted clone !-- I'll take some more cuts and see what happens -- That T.E. !!- U da man for pointing me at that beast !-- Now just let me see what you've bred in Trips !
Umbra -- I haven't heard from Merlin in awhile -- I'm just gonna plan on doing the deed myself !-- I have a question -- I see no reason a male and female couldn't produce viable seed is this true ?--
i just got a call from one of my younger brothers. they took dad to the local hospital and they transferred him to san antonio. he is going into icu. he said congested heart. yall keep him in your thoughts.
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