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i hate hurricanes and have rode a few out, but i really hate tornadoes. at least with the hurricane you know where it is at, not so with the others. i believe it is time foe a evening burn.
I been the interpreter today let me 'splain Rose -- Hippie got more hash than Jesus !- Seed be selling for $4 each up there !-- He gonna make a mess of seed then make bubble hash out the rest of the plant anyway !- Did I get it right Hippie ?
I thought Hippie said he used the male to make canna caps. I need to smoke more pot. This wind is driving me nuts and it is a short trip today. Thanks for trying to help Keef..

Umbra, those plants look nice up there.

Mrcrane the blue hole of the peninsula sounds fabulous.You might just be in paradise.

Kraven sounds like you will enjoy your evening.
Ever body who doesn't have a red cement mixer just for making bubble hash -- hold up your right hand !-- Hippie put your hand down !-- U gonna make Cannacaps out that male or hash ?- Me and Rose are high and confused now !
I'm gonna have to get really high but I'm gonna have to watch CNN's -- Katrina - 10 year's Later -- I'm glad U won't be able to see me cry !- We didn't even know what happened for the first week and a half !
Yup Rose the butter has kicked in and I'm nice and loose, I love the way it just relaxes your muscles. Smoking some CK.
I take at least a dose a day Kraven !-- I don't have a fancy Butta machine but my caps get the job done !-- Problem was I was growing enough for us to smoke then we started making caps - had to grow twice as much !-- I am not ashamed - I bought brickweed to make caps out of so I could smoke my Widow !-- breaking even again !--
Sorry about you having to grieve all over again Keef, but I bet it will help in some sad way.

Enjoy Kraven.

the wind has stopped.
No Rose !- I don't ever want to forget what happened !-- When the chips were down -- I got out of bed!-- Man I was in bad shape!-- but I got-r-done !--
You are a survivor of more than one thing, that is for sure. you rock keef.
Yep, ya know me, Cuz! Seed stock to sell to the locals and give away to the OFC, and lots more bubble! Gonna try making some like I smoked at the cup. Done the research and can't see why I can't replicate the process. Pretty simple, really.

Yep, you're right too, Rose! I'm going to drag the boy inside, dry him out in the oven (Piss the Old Hen dead off!), grind him up, and pack some caps. The way Keef does 'em is damn near lethal. I was taking four or five of the ones I made, depending on the pain level. I made 'em his way and thank God I only took one for a test spin. Woa............

I've used males for caps and cooking before. I had a male Green Giant that kicked as hard as the usual brick weed. Seems like a shame to waste 'em.
It does help with the pain !-- I mighta survived Katrina but cold turkey withdrawals from morphine almost killed me !-- Don't ever be there U don't want to know !-- With Cannacaps I get by !--

What are you doing up, just get home? If this offends anyone I will take it down.

I was pretty shocked when i first saw it.
Good morning Giggy. Stank doesn't stop by for months and then shows up with this? Gotta love that guy...in all his stankness.

Good morning Yooper, i see ya down there. You too mossycrew
Morning to you all just hanging in the shadows,listening to all your goodness,you all make me laugh sometimes
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