Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Want to tell U something while I can still function -- Went to the store last night and noticed a " Found Dog " paper on the wall !--Lady say she found this dog at the intersection of ***** &*****--found dog - no collar -- could the owner please hurry to pick him up as he has been aggressive toward the family and other pets !-- There on the bottom was a.picture of a coyote in a box !-- I had so many questions !
Darn Rose, that sure snuck up on you, it's really hard to tell sometimes till they really show mature sexual signs. Glad you caught them, snag a bit of pollen from them if ya can, put it up for a rainy day. So went to see my old hippy friend today and he parted way with some cannabutter, just had me a big ol piece of toast 15 minutes ago, will know in the next 45 mins or so if i got the dose right....his stuff is epic, he also sent me home with a big ol fat "Grape" bud, one from the clone line he gave me, it's gonna be a treat in a week or so. (recently chopped) I left him all my popcorn from last Critical Kush run, his to smoke or make edibles, my kung-fu is strong. So just sitting here waiting to see how his butter hits me. Hey some people drop by my threads, I did a big picture update a few days ago and nobody has come by, I sure wanted Rose and THG to see the GTH #9 and the other strains I have in flower...no need to post if no one is interested in what I have going on :)
Morning Sweet !-- Make some of Keef's Cannacaps !-- don't take much weed and lesser weed and trim work just fine !-- Turn your oven on at 230 degrees -- put some weed - I run mine thru a screen to make it easier to pack it into empty caps - from a couple joints crumbled onto a paper plate to a big pickle jar -- don't ask how I know but a pound of dry crumbled weed will fit in a gallon pickle jar -- Anyway bake at 230 for 30 minutes -- I always add 5 more minutes to allow weed to come up temp .--- This turns the THC acid ( THCA) into the psychoactive THC -- Pack that sheet into empty caps - I use the 00 size from the vitamen shop !-- Need oil on your belly to help obsorb the THC -- I use cold pressed -- unprocessed coconut oil !-- taste like coconut !-- I chase some caps with a TBS of oil - Can't focus Weed got me on the run !-- Anyway about an hour after the caps things get nice if U got the dosage right .
Wife came in and asked - What's on the television ?-- I said -- Dust !-- And the fight began !
So, Keef, are you really here for our entertainment? You know, to keep spirits "high." I'm interested in these cannacaps. Sounds like it could help my aches & pains. Plus, smoking less would be a nice benefit.
D.D. - I entertain myself and if it entertains others fine -- if not Oh well !-- Been a pretty good day today!-- U truely need to eat weed in one form or another regularly !-I was on morphine for 7-8 years after my fall !-- Surgical Assistant for 20 years -- came around a corner too fast one day and hit a wet spot !- The fall shattered the left side of my face and caused 3 disc in my neck to bulge -- it gets inflamed the left arm don't work so well !-- So they threw me away like a broken tool !-- Only got one skill left !-- I grow weed !-- and the O.F.C. has taught me how to grow good weed and all the stuff U can do with it !-- All I got to say to the institutions that discarded me is --- How U like me now ?
Yea the butter was epic, after about thirty minutes i just got real relaxed all my muscles just let all the tension flow out and drip to the floor, it was so good I made one more big ol one and really enjoyed the afternoon.....The ol' hippy's kung-fu is strong.
Evening Burn ?-- Well yes I will !-- Kraven -- We were just fine with a quarter pound a month and then these Old Farts taught me to eat weed !-- Good medicine !-- So then I need another quarter pound a month for Cannacaps -- I double the grow and now finally we are independent again !-- Now ya'll start talking about $3,200 CO2 - Hash Oil Machines -- Does it ever end ?-- Yo Giggy -- I got a message from the Gloman this morning -- He's kinda excited about that White Widow -X- Tranquil Elephantizer cross!-- He say even the fan leaves got tricomes all over them !-- Hope yours blows your mind too !--
Back from the bash for now. Glad I let the wife pick me up. We'd no sooner dropped Yoop off and was waiting for a break in traffic to make a turn out of the motel and WHAM! One car T boned a moron that was making a left. Damn near bounced 'em into our laps.

I'm not one for carrying tales, but there is a certain OFC Michigan member that you wouldn't want to try and keep up toke for toke in the wax line, and it sure ain't me!

Thought about going back later, but after the heat, sun, wax, and walking, this bed is really feeling good.......

Tomorrow's another day.
Sounds like a good way to spend retirement years--- 'cept for the bumper car thing !-- I'm down with them fancy new cars post to drive themselves !-- I tell the Po-Po -- give the car a ticket -- I'm way to wasted to be driving -- it's the trucks fault !-
Sweet - I told them that come the end of prohibition -- Beach Blow Out !-- I got 15-20 miles of wild beach that should be big enough for the O.F.C. !-- We'll get high -- Go chase down one or two of them wild hogs -- Get a couple kegs -- No !-- Kraven can bring some 'shine !-- I'll get the shrimp !-- This would be one of them once in a life time -- Epic Events !-- They mess around and let me get me a little plane -- I come get ya'll !--
Morning all, coffee a bowl and then back to tent to the garden, today will be an hour or so day, everything will be thirsty and hungry :48:
gonna see if I can post pictures from my old laptop. just wasting my time. not gonna happen. back to the cup.
Morning, OFC.

Yoop, talked to Bozzo. He said he wasn't a breakfast eater and I'm not either, so lunch at the cup is on the hippie! I think you've got him talked into some of those ribs you were raving about.

Gotta find those gummy bears. I know a cousin in Texass that hasn't tried 'em yet.........
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