Umbra - how goes the grow room ?-- I could do that !-- The reason I grow a Sea Of Green is because I see it as one flat plant like Hippy's SCROGs -- instead of raising the light 6 feet above the bottom branches all I need is a foot or so of light penetration ! I guess another reason is that I'm an impatient farmer !-- I root the cuts get them up about 8 inches in about 6 weeks from fresh cut and off they go to bloom -- I try to send a box of about 30 of them at a time in a box --- these will later be spread out into 2 boxes having about 15 each !-- the last month or so of bloom they will end up back in a single box !-- Another reason for small plants is the 2 inch aero baskets I use -- The get top heavy in bloom and fall over !-- So from fresh cut spending 45 days in veg and a 60 day finisher - 105 days ?-- Staggered 2 weeks apart !- goal of 500 grams per meter - harvest a sq.meter every two weeks !- I think I can do it !