LOL Keef, you crack me up. It's none of their business as far as I'm concerned, but I could tell them it was for bit mining computers or a recording studio. Plenty of people on the East Coast keep collector cars in heated and a/c garages because of the humidity
They will have forgotten about it in a month !- No worries !-- I got to keep doing what I'm doing for now !-- but- 6 months before prohibition ends -I get the spare bedroom as a grow room -- I want to have a plan worked out and ready to implement !-- I do plan to use it for bloom and convert my present grow into veg !-- I'm convinced a rotation is the way to harvest the most out of a confined space in a year !- If I consider what I got now as a "Grow Unit"- I'll have room for 4 total units !-- 2 varieties alternating in each unit -- 8 varieties -- Not committed to aero -- just want the mostest in the leastest room !- be having one of them table top CO 2 hash oil machines too !
If you've ever seen the cannabusiness report, then you know what is going on in CO with regard to BHO and solvent based extractions. Highly regulated and inspected because of explosions. Then there were these guys that are separating out THCA, CBD, THCV into individual containers and then mixing them in exact ratios to get different highs consistently.
Oh My !-- separating out the components and recombining them to produce a specific buzz ?--What a novel idea !- perhaps this could be done in an e-cig delivery system !- Who woulda ever thunk it !
Tell me this Umbra -- if a brother had different varieties with different properties -- what's the chance he could do pretty much the same thing by mixing oil from up to like EIGHT varieties ?-- While I'm at it has anyone ever made a high CBD tetrapoid ?-- And - would it be a sin for an organic dirt pharmer to grow a plant with twice the CBD levels available in any other variety ?-- it can be done !--
Keef,,,what Prohibition are ya waiting on,,,you live in the south Little Brother . The only thing were gonna get is PROBATION.:rofl:
If were lucky that is. Lol
My friend Karma's a Bitch has a 30 Acre permit to grow high CBD cannabis in CO. He has more than 1000 plants outdoors and a HUGE greenhouse, lol. So that is already being done.
Well my plan may have been a little cruder but no problem I be watching that link repeatedly !-- Hopper - I will NOT move a gram ( in Texas) !- They got a special task force down here to track the kind of weed I grow back to the source !-- I ain't no dumb sheet !-- I'll just put it all up !-- When the federal government rolls over I'll be ready !-- By then I may be able to tailor make e-cig liquid myself !-
The cherry pie x key lime pie finished over the weekend. NCH picked 2 phenos. We thought there was 1 that should be grown again and see what it does, so we kept 3 different plants. Revegging them now.
Hey !- Some of U Old Farts who knew me before we got here might remember my Quest for the Green Grail ?-- A genticly engineered Frankenplant with a broken THC limit switch ?-- U might remember that silly Southerner chasing "Indica 50" and other urban legends ?-- Every once in a while even an Old Fart finds the end of the Rainbow !-- This Quest is over !