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Too much weed ?- Is that one of them urban myths ?- I never had that problem before !
most trifoliates will return to normal growth unless they are a true tetraploid. cannabis is a diploid, normally.
I just loaded a bowl of 8 Ball Kush and I'm ready....puff puff pass! :48:
Lit up at the beach ya'll !-- Umbra so if this thang U made keeps doing this besides being rare is there any advantage ?- I guess I've got to grow it out to know right ?-- Kraven I think I sent U a pic of said plant - U ever see anything like that ?
How about an early evening burn ? I need one. So here goes, puff, puff, pass.
Bozzo, I think you are right. I am way over planted. I am so over planted I am bringing in a few to finish under led now.

I really don't mean to brag, but i got almost all girls this year. I can't believe it.

Umbra, was hanging out by the La Confid garden, looking at the bees, and thought of you. I will post an update of the girls. They are just pretty pretty plants. So thrilled.

i did that a couple summers ago. planted 26 plants and got 19 female. had a hard time keeping up with them.
I'm down !--Been in the grow room !-- checking for roots !-- T.E. coming on strong !- where's my pipe ?
Good morning OFC. No wake and bake yet ? Ya`ll sleepin` in this morning so we gonna do it now. Grab a cup of coffee in one hand and a bowl in the other and we will have a session of wake and bake. Join us and start the day off on the right foot.
Morning O.F.C. !-- I was trying to kick off the Wake and Bake -- I just couldn't find my lighter !
Found my lighter -- and used it !-- U got to watch what U wish for around here !-- I'm trash talking about breeding me a Frankenplant and Umbra hands me one !-- That Blueberry Blast is sending up it's first true leaves and it looks like they're goona come out in threes !-- Never seen such a thing !-- A pot plant that produces leaves in threes instead of pairs !-- Wonder what else is twisted with this plant !-
Sounds special to me. I have never seen it before. fun stuff Keef.

we have a low of 76*, that can't be good, i best get out there and water again. Drought? what drought.
Hey Umbra if this little thing survives and is a girl -- She gonna need a name !-- it's not like I can breed it to another like it !--Looks like it'll be " Clone Only"!
Well, going to have to stop smoking. We have a new drug policy. Fail=fired. Not worth it for me. My job supports my livelihood. It's a sad day indeed.
Still growing, but sadly it's back to alcohol to keep my sanity. *** the system.
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