Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Hey Rose tell Tech Thanks for hosting the O.F.C. !-- I would donate some bit money to the cause if I had any !-- Something changed on the site -- I used to get an e-mail everyday with an update on all the post made in the last 24 hrs. I visited a music thread many months ago an was still getting an update on it everyday even though I only visited once !-- This has prevented me from freely surfing the site !- I don't want a daily update on all the threads I may visit !-- it's kept me from visiting Kraven and Rose and other's current grow threads !- I'm afraid each will generate another daily e-mail !-- I stopped getting the e-mail a couple days ago !- If I visit those threads will it generate another daily e-mail ?--or is it a trap and if I go there I have to perform a computer dance just to stop the e-mails ?
Keef, Do you want me to fix your settings? I don't get any emails about any posts.
I haven't got any the last few days but yes !- I'm afraid to look around and I'd like to !-- I just don't want another bunch of e-mail to delete everyday !
Shoot Keef..... man your missin the show, my girls are poppin right now.....get on over and take a look mang
Looking good Kraven !-- U guys probably scratch your heads about my rotation and wonder what da Hell I'm doing !-- its not what I'm doing now but what I'll be able to do when the time comes !-- I'm brain damaged but I ain't no dumb sheet !
Keef, thanks for coming by my journal, nice to have you. I checked your settings and it looks like you shouldn't receive any notifications. Let me know if you do.

Yooper, so far those of us that have trouble are using Google Chrome, are you?
Yeah, I think that`s the one. Is that what its called ? No problems on other site, just loaded 5 pictures there.
Got my new 2 year MMMJ card in the mail today (yesterday).
Morning ye old Potheads. Sorry i aint been around much,,but between working my old *** off,,, and spending time with my Granddaughter, ,,,well let's just say i been busy and tired. Tripped walking on my stilts at work a couple weeks ago and ramed a piece of metel thru my hip into the bone, ,,,hurt like hell. Stitches and a shot and down for 3 days,,,,,and back to work i went,,,walking like Chester from Gunsmoke. Lol
getten to old for freaken Stilts me thinks. Lol
Good morning WeedHopper and the rest of the OFC. What the H is an old fart doin` on stilts anyway ? Don`t you know that old farts heal very slowly. Get off the stilts and participate in a round of "wake and bake". Coffee in one hand and a bowl in the other and let`s do it. It`s "wake and bake" in Curmudgeonland.
Remember the Real McCoy's TV show in the 60's. ? I thought grandpa McCoy was faking his gimpy walk. Heck that's how I walk some days.
Keef, thanks for coming by my journal, nice to have you. I checked your settings and it looks like you shouldn't receive any notifications. Let me know if you do.

Yooper, so far those of us that have trouble are using Google Chrome, are you?
i use chrome but i'm not having any problems. yoop i hope yall get it figured out.
Remember the Real McCoy's TV show in the 60's. ? I thought grandpa McCoy was faking his gimpy walk. Heck that's how I walk some days.

good morning bozzo, hope the sun shines on your pharm today. Remember "The Real McCoy`s" ? How about "Amos and Andy" ?
I use Stilts to keep from climbing ladders, ,,and it is much faster. Im in pretty good shape,,just aint metel proof. Lol
WeedHopper, good morning bro. You been busy with your grand daughter lately so when you come back ya get your chain jerked. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Peace.

PS, Having been a firefighter all my life, I prefer ladders.
Morning O.F.C. !- Hit the ground running this morning !- Gonna settle down and get my buzz on now !--Hey Hopper !- good to see ya around !- Mane !- I been hurt a lot !- fell off this - jumped off that - got hit with what ?-- never worried much cause I healed well and fast - Then I came around that corner in the operating room and hit a wet spot !- feet wet up face went down - hands slipped on the floor so I broke my fall with my face !- Shattered my face !-- Doc said it was the kind of injury U would get if U took a full swing from a baseball bat to the face !- Don't be falling Hopper !-- It only takes that one time !
Thanks Rose !- I didn't get the e-mails today !- So now maybe I can explore the MP site and see what's happening !-- Rose and Kraven grow some pretty weed ya'll !-- Think I feel them caps kicking in !- Good day to all !
That is great Keef, we like you guys stopping by outside your home here. It is almost a year since you guys joined our site..

Hey Yooper, will you do me a favor and try to download pictures on another browser? I used Internet explorer this morning to do some admin work and I think it is faster.. TA will figure it out, it just may take a while.
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