Good morning all you old farts. Happy Fourth of July. It's been crazy dry and hot here for this area. My irrigation hand dug well is almost dry. Sure glad I don't have any herb growing. I may have to let my veggie garden go dry. That would just suck. I would hate to see this go to waste. Looking for a tank to put in the back of the truck and start hauling water. I have veggies growing in 4 different spots on the property so it takes a lot of water. Be safe today and make sure you have all your fingers at the end of the day. Happy Days
been there bro, had to do it a bunch over the years.Beemer !!- Where ya been !-- Been a crazy year for weather !-- I hope I don't ever have to haul water again !- Gorilla grow gets dry ?- what U gonna do ? -- Hope U find a way Beemer ! U got to stop by more often !
we haven't had to many days overly hot yet, but summer has just begun. in a way i hope it drys out a bit where i would have to water, then i could feed.BEEMER !! hey mang where you been bro. Hope you get some cool breezes your way soon. It's either been to wet or too hot to grow, what a horrible last few months. Thank goodness I'm all indoor for the time being. Good to hear from you, don't stay gone so long bro![]()
I was chasing Chem D- BX3 -- seed not available !- found Double Dawg - Black Dawg and others - Is that Chem 91 ?-- found my pipe !- Took extra caps !-- probably need to put them Williams Wonder seed in some dirt later and check those other seed !- Don't ya'll tell anyone Keef got some dirt in his grow room !-- White Widow - Tranquil Elephantizer -X - Williams Wonder - X -- ?---- That be one parent of my Franken Plant --I'm thinking a Dawg should have a heavy presence in the other parent !--
Yea Keef here is the scoop on it....
Unknown or Legendary - Chem Dawg
Aka: Chemdawg
Breeder: Chemdog
Heritage (no serious source known):
Speculation 1: unknown indica strain (Kush, HP or NL?)
Speculation 2: Nepali x Thai
At a Grateful Dead show at Deer Creek Amphitheatre, joebrand (aka wonkanobe) and pbud met chemdog and sold him an ounce of very high quality pot for $500. Joe and Chemdog exchanged numbers and they later arranged for two ounces to be shipped to chemdog on the east coast. According to chemdog, one ounce was seedless and the other had 13 seeds.
In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled "chemdawg" (now '91 chemdawg), "chemdawg a" (now chemdawg's sister), and "chemdawg b". In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated, "c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdawg "d" was the keeper. In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.
Can not upload pictures. Every time it says upload FAILED. What gives ?
Beemer before U disappear again can U post your recipe for Beemer's Balm !- Some of these old Farts have some serious aches and pains !-- Can U hook an Old Fart up ? Hey Giggy did U get that e-mail ?