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Gloman in da house !- U should stop by more often Cuz !-- Seen that fat green man lately ?-- How's the grow ?-- post some pics !-- Morning Bozzo - Hopper !-- Working on a nice buzz down here !-- more coffee ?--

HeHe, You want pics? I got pics.
Remember, you asked for it! lmao!
View attachment Barney & little One.jpg

View attachment ICE#2.jpg

View attachment S.R 2nd flowering.jpg

View attachment S.R. clone.jpg

View attachment W.E. #2.jpg

View attachment Wild Stand Hehe.jpg

View attachment Wild Stand #2.jpg

View attachment Volinteer bent for space.jpg

View attachment Strawberry Rhino.jpg
Gloman what's the pups name ?-Weather got me swole up in the face again !-Love that "Wild Patch"- !- Looks like lots of sativa !- hope they finish in time for U !- That pic right after the pups - is that T.W. ?- That's your S.R. in bud ?
Morning O.F.C. !-- Dragging down here !-- Bozzo - that high tunnel gonna be high enough come fall?-
Gloman what's the pups name ?-Weather got me swole up in the face again !-Love that "Wild Patch"- !- Looks like lots of sativa !- hope they finish in time for U !- That pic right after the pups - is that T.W. ?- That's your S.R. in bud ?

I figured there would be questions. lol
The 1st. pic is of my old dog little One, who is still beating the odds with his Lymphoma. Still in remission & all blood tests are normal platelets.
The puppy is Barney. :) He has addisons disease & has seizures from it. We have him on meds. & they help a lot, but I think I'll start him on low doses of RSO also. He's just too cute. He got Lucky when he found me. lmao!

2nd pic is one of the ICE plants

3rd pic is my indoor Strawberry Rhino. I have small plants in veg indoors so I take her outside in the morning & put her in a closed cabinet @ 4:30. Gives her about 10 hrs. of sun then dark the rest.

4th pic is an S.R. clone

5th pic is the W.E. Should have posted the side view pic too. She is taller than she appears in this pic.

6th & 7th pic is the "Wild Patch" There is an equal mix of B.B., Lady, Purple Haze, Strawberry Kush, with a few other misc. kinds. I've already pulled about 15 males out (before they popped) Remember that BB & Lady are both very early flowerers. I do have one starteing to build buds already.
They won't be top shelf, but I'm just making Rso out of all of it.

8th. is a volintier Lady from last year. I had to bend her over & weight her down to make more room for the ICE & S.R.

9th pic is one of the S.R. I grew & harvested indoors. I reveg'd it & put it outdoors. It was stretching so fast I had to bend over the tall branches so the rest could catch up. The branches on the S.R. are hollow like a straw so it's a lot like bending a drinking straw, it kinks but don't break. Then she takes off again. lol I'm pretty fond of this one, & I'm learning how to take cuttings from her.
My Holland's hope are the same way.. like a straw. pinch it and bends ,but don't break. I let them lose, I don't think they liked being tied down. they are going to be monsters.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Dragging down here !-- Bozzo - that high tunnel gonna be high enough come fall?-
got chicken wire on top of the dome. that will stop I'll be tying some down I'm sure.
Thanks for the morning plant porn!

Got a little dust up here last night. Tornado turned over a motorhome three miles away and cropped some trees, and decided to head for the next town east where it turned a two story house into a one story and relocated a couple of mobile homes. Awfully early for the twisters in this neck of the woods. Usually they hold off 'til September. Never lost a leaf off a tree here.
Hippy got a force field to protect against tornados !-- Hey I wanna tell a horror story !- Once upon a time an Old Fart sent another Old Fart 3 of the last available T.E. seed !-- good news was they arrived right on time !- bad news - they had been crushed !- Except for Umbra - there are only 3 T.E. seed in the O.F.C. !--it's slow but I'm cloning it fast as I can !-- I'm not naming names but -- Yoop - some F-2 T.E. seed would be a good thing !-- I have 4 seed from what we were calling the W.E. (White Elephant ) but that is listed at seedfinders - so Tranquil Widow ?-- anyway I plan on starting them with Williams Wonder !-- I may cross that T.W. back on the T.E. - making a plant that is 1 part widow and 3 parts T.E. !-- U gonna love the tricomes on the T.E. !-- Caps is kicking in !- Later !
No force field, just luck of the draw. According to the news, it was an EF2. Not Texas size, but big enough to do damage.

In the mid 70s today. Went out to do a little sanding on my dent patches. Got it done, found a couple of gnat sized spots that need touch up, went to find my glazing putty and spreader, and POOF! Gone. Wife got 'em. Looked in all the wife type spots she hides my stuff to no avail. Looks like I'm done.

She gets home in a half hour or so. I'm too stiff to do a spinning back kick, so when I see her pull in the driveway, I'm going to climb up on the kitchen table. When she comes through the door, I'll tell her I'm changing a light bulb and to please hand me one. When she comes back with the blub and gets close to the table, I'm gonna kick her square in her throat! Film at eleven.
I see attitude has relisted the TE remix and cannazon has ISP's chem91 bx3. When I met up with Thunderfudge at Exotics booth at the cup, I had no idea he was the 1 that accepted the 1st place trophy for the Cookies n Cream that they won. We just had so much in common, especially in regards to breeding, that I never even thought about it. I gifted him temple booty and riotberry og x bpu. I hope he finds something worthy.
Umbra - I don't want to step on toes or cross the line but I gots a question !-- U say U have l these seeds from lots of varieties !- Cuz we got got a mess of growers here always trying to upgrade their grow !--- If U provided seed from two varieties that U wanted to cross to an Old Fart - I'm sure a share of the seed from the cross could save U the time of having to do it your self !- Two varieties U wished to cross could be ready at the same time !- When U have this many growers willing to make the cross U wish - for a share of the seed many of us would be in !-- Poor Rosebud - Got all hostile when she thought I was trying. to hustle some L.A. seed !-- I can afford my own !-- I just thought she might want to do some breeding with the assets of the O.F.C. -- Didn't mean to offend !-- The covert exchange of genetics by the O.F.C. can only be a good thing ! Many breeding projects going on at the same time helping each other !-- I can see no one here taking the genetics and starting a seed company ! This would be something shared only with the O. F.C. !
keef, where did you get the idea I was offended? I thought I just asked if that was what you were thinking.

Umbra, So I popped another temple and it didn't show, so i gently went looking for it and it was growing a root laterally but the seed head was firmly on and stuck. So I took the seed head off and kinda stuck it so it was headed north. well it started growing or stretching but the seed heads membrane was still on it. While removing it I pulled it up by the root. So I planted for the 4 th time, and that little tough baby is making it. I think i have 2 girls of LA conf. so excited. Still no boys showing. I thought boys ALWAYS showed first... to be cont.
Hi Rose, very good news. Yes males normally show first, but there are always exceptions. It might mean that the other 2 will be female as well. Many of my seeds have very tough shells. I always recommend to scuff them, I always do. I told Thunderfudge the same thing. The freebies I have given away, that is the most common issue...tough shells. I scuff them then soak them in kelp extract and water. Kelp has gibberellic acid and it helps with the male to female ratio, for about 10 minutes, then into paper towels.
Keef some of the gifted seeds are restricted. There were terms that I agreed to about access that would prohibit me from sharing. But any of the ones I have bought are fair game. Yes I think there might be a couple breeding projects that OFC could help me out with.
I have always started seeds in soil, but I have to listen to you cause, your umbra. Scuff them with sandpaper? Now that i know, i will watch the others for that tough shell. You aren't kidding. I had to do 3 surgeries..and the little trouper is just fine.

Wouldn't that be awesome to get 4 girls? not for ofc if they were hoping for seeds.
I made a scuff box from a stick matches box and lined the inside with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. I put the seeds inside and shake them for a couple of minutes. It's not very high tech, lol, but it works quite well. If no male LA Con, you have a few things going so another male might be good for a cross.
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