Kraven glad you are enjoying yourself. I am waiting until after dinner at this point. Dinner should be ready in about 10 minutes.
Chicken cordon bleu, mac and cheese, and biscuitsEvening O.F.C. !-- Burn it Kraven !- What's for supper Umbra ?-- I'm on a health kick !-- Had me a Bacon Cheese Burger with Chili Cheese Fries !-- With some caps cause I'm a bad man !-- Had a decent buzz working then the caps kicked in !-- Hey Hippy U said U were gifted with some clones - what U got?-- Yoop -- decisions - decisions !-- I'm amused !-- waiting to see what U decide to do !--- think I kilt my Strawberry Rhino clone !-- Ya live and learn !- next time it'll survive !--
neither, no sauceWith ketchup or hot sauce ?
Morning OFC. Up early and coffee is ready.