Home of the Old Fart's Club

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the garden is in....I guess I'm not enlarging my fenced in area. the wife just planted peppers and cauliflower there. no room for pot plants now. Maybe next year. I squeezed them all in the old area. 4 in the 8x8 greenhouse and 7 in the 12x20 outdoor. and one pot. it will be nice and tight in there soon.
True story. 3AM sat night. A girl and her 3 kids are in the city. they lived 30 miles out of town. She gets rear ended at a stop light. car totaled . but everyone not injured, very lucky. When I get there the first thing she said was "does my husband have to know?"
Funny as heck, but not funny either. she was copping dope with her kids at 3am.
I guess some people shouldn't be mothers. I have no way of understanding women that have babies and don't take care of them... I am sure they have a story but it doesn't matter at that point.

You guys in this thread are all heroes. All of you. Thank you on behalf of the folks that couldn't thank you.

WH, are you ok?
morning everybody, WAKE AND BAKE. done pulled a bowl and working on me coffee as i type. everybody have a great day.

Hey Giggy. Wake and Bake sounds like a great idea....:vap-Bong_smoker:
Not a mind in the bunch that ain't twisted one way or another ! And we a bunch of survivors too !-- It would take a super computer to write a program that would have funneled the likes of The O.F.C. into one place !-- I used to think we were all tied together by nothing more than a plant ! It goes a lot deeper than that my peeps !-- I think we more like a Tribe than a Club ! I'm proud to be a member !- Di I mention that I'm high enough to walk on the ceiling !
Hey Giggy. Wake and Bake sounds like a great idea....:vap-Bong_smoker:

Another old fart gonna join our party ? Welcome to the Old Farts Club. We wake and bake all day long.
welcome to the party bro, you'll like it here. it's not like the other site as the mods don't allow that kind of stuff here, and the folks are great people to know. rosey said she would drop by too.
welcome to the party bro, you'll like it here. it's not like the other site as the mods don't allow that kind of stuff here, and the folks are great people to know. rosey said she would drop by too.

Awesome...That other site is getting way out of control with all the trolling and sock puppet accounts
wish i had a little something extra to puff right now but i got enough to cover the ol lady and i for the day. looks like brick for a bit though. ok yall all know that the bugs have put it on me already this year. so i took my seedlings that i had left and moved them indoors till they get a little size on them. i thought i was down to 3 ghost train haze #9 but it turns out i have 2, and 1 blue dream that are doing great. i had a white widow that got about a inch tall and quit growing, i pulled it out of the cup yesterday and it didn't have nothing but the tap root and not much of it. i had a white elephant that popped but never did nothing else, so i tried more of them. 1 white widow popped and the tep root looked good but it never did nothing. had a white elephant pop and now have a we about 1" and it seems to be ok, i also had another one pop and put it in soil yesterday so here's hoping on them. today i put 3 dream reapers in soil and 2 jack the rippers. i still have 2 of each of them and 2 grand daddy purps in germ. i'm gonna have something this year if i have to keep popping seed or not.
Happy Memorial Day everybody!

Thank You to all the men & women who sacraficed their own families & lives to help keep this nation even now, the best place in the world to live.
GOD knows I Love my country, but HATE our Government. I'm betting if the folks from WW2 were still alive this nation wouldn't be run by a Muslam.


OK, I'll get off my soap box.

Hey keef!
I finaly have got the cloneing thing down pat. Started with 7 cuttings from the Strawberry Rhino. 4 of them are ready for planting.
Green santa told me he was gonna drop off a clone your way soon.
Guess he just wants to see if it ships well in moist paper towel with just a touch of H2O2 in it.

Also, the W.E. is coming along nice. I changed the potting mix I was using & now it's almost ready for sexing.
Now tell me if I'm wrong here. You water farmers just let the plant get to the 3rd node & turn the lights back untill it shows what sex it is then flip them back to veg. cycle? might be worth getting some styrofoam or whatever cones on the out door plants too. Get the males out early. Hmmmmmm.

I was out checking on my girlz a couple days ago & what do you think I saw? Volanteer plants. LOL Big Betty dropped a few seeds & they must have liked the conditions. lol 2 of them are almost 2' tall now. I had to top them once & now when the 2 main stalks are growing I'm going to tie them down to the ground. Better yiels & very stelth. OH this is fun.
If I could get a job somewhere in the cannabis industry I think I'd almost work for free.

Well, Y'All have a great fun & safe Memorial Day & don't forget our fallen brothers & sisters.

DL - Welcome home !-- Didn't we bump into each other at that farmer place ?- Gloman glad to see U working some clones !-- That Strawberry Rhino will have a good home here !-- If all goes well Green Santa be hauling a T.E. clone before long too !-- Williams Wonder be ordered this week or next !- Potent Weight then put this beast of a T.E. on it and we gonna have a winner ! That Strawberry Rhino gonna be a welcome addition to the harem !-- The grow is recovering nicely and in a couple months I'll be cranking it out again !
My Cayenne Peppers.
Oh and my dog is to the left of my thumb on his back. Lol
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