Always been the black sheep of the family, too. When something goes sideways or someone needs backup NOW, with no questions asked, guess who they call on?I have always been the unwanted pot head. NBD . (no big deal)
Morning OFC. My routine when I get up is to let the dogs out, make coffee, and sign in here. When my computer was down, I was lost without coming here to start the rest of my day. Its funny to me, in that I didn't think I would get sucked into the vortex that is MP...but I am here...because of everyone here. Perhaps the hardest thing about moving across the country is the lack of a support system that you build with friends and family. I feel much better when I come here and read what else is going on, even when I don't post anything. Bong it up :vap-Bong_smoker:umbra you are part of this little internet family as well as everybody else. some of us have never met face to face but i look forward to hearing from all of yall everyday. everybody have a great day.
:48: lets smoke