That's what I'm talking about Hippie !- For me - I want an e-cig juice with my nicotine and THC both in it !-- U willing to try that BHO again ?- Got a dremel ?-- Need to make a whip /loop to fit it and find a small heavy glass bottle that U can get the loop in and out of ! Find a stopper that fits the bottle - drill a hole through it to fit the shaft of the loop ! Start with 25% BHO to 75% base- either PG or VG !-- put it in the bottle insert loop with stopper - attach dremel to loop shaft and whip the sheet out of it !- easier if bottle is secure - I don't talk about how I know ! The object is to homogenize the two so it can never seperate again ! The boys at skunkpharm got better info and say a 50/50 e-cig juice is totally unnessasery ! Trail and error Cuz !- It can be done !- these are just general directions !- U gotta work it out !
Off to Pizza Hut !- I would ask what variety goes well with pizza -- but I think I be alright !- I was back pharming and that T.E. is gonna be hard to beat !- If it be noticeably better to me - I be dropping some Widow like it was hot !- There's no brand loyalty here !- Those crosses got they job cut out !- to stay they got to at least beat the widow ! I'm thinking Williams Wonder needs to come to Texas and meet the T.E. ! Trying a new pizza tonight - vegetarian with bacon and pepperoni !
My William's Wonder is just starting to smell...wonderful. The indoor purple tangies are a light purple hue, and the outdoor are BRIGHT purple...almost black. The indoor strawberry cookies are pale and the outdoor is dark green and...surprise...wait for it...purple. No I take that back, more a magenta...eggplant shade of red. Indoor TE is flowering like gang busters, and the outdoor is dark greasy green monster just starting to flower.
morning keek and the rest of the ofc. wake but no bake and waiting on the coffee. i got to go to court today. we had a ex employee come to the shop screaming he was going to kill another ex employee, and i just happen to be there both times. i hate crap like this. ysll have a great day.
Morning. Sure glad my life is boring,,,,,,,,, ya aint gonna come in where i work talking **** or screaming. Im a Government Contractor,,,,, come in one of those buildings with that crap,,and if you do,,buy,buy. Lol
LOL...the Brooklyn VA Hospital has metal detectors just to get in the hospital and the Lebanon, PA VA Hospital has a gunsmith across the street from the Hospital with a sign, "get your guns here"
Morning OFC. Invasion of the in-laws happens today. Just what I need, more crap heaped on my plate to take care of. 90 and 86 and used to being waited on, not in my house, wait on yourself. They do not realize what they cause to happen by just being here. I do not have enough time to do what I have to do now, let alone with them here. Not a happy camper at all. Pissed off is more like it.
What Life is supposed to make sense ?-- I didn't see nothin!-- I grow weed !-- I Do Not got to court voluntarily !--power just came back on !- battled a 9 hour power outage once running pumps off an inverter coming off my car battery ! Run one a few minutes then switch !- didn't lose one plant - even with the 9 hours with no light or bubbler - there was no damage !- Been things get all complicated I try to remind myself - it's a weed !-- it's hard to kill ! - Hey Umbra !- That T.E. is da bomb !- The chopped up , ragged stem I've chopped to pieces for clones is 2 maybe 3 weeks away from finish - The tricomes Ya'll !! -- WOW!-- A forest of long stemmed clear mushroom looking tricomes !- Doing the Scooby dance everytime another T.E. clone roots ! She gonna be with me for years !
Yoop take a major dose of Cannacaps - Get bombed !- screw it U old !- Do what U want to do ! Tell them -- U go home now ! Get your pipe lock yourself in the grow room till they leave ! They probably don't like U anyway !- dam pot head !