Good morning boys. Nice to have MP back where it should be. Keef, if i didn't tell you well enough, i had no warning, either did any of the mods. We did have a huge crash a few years back and i really missed this place.Hopefully we are good now, but i guess we never know for sure. If you guys ever need a place because MP crashed there is another site called Marijuana-culture, and Ozzy is the best guy ever and he runs it. I am sure you guys would like it there...but that is only if we crash out for good.. Just a heads up to the ofc.
I am suggesting you stay here though. We like you here.
Is it time to smoke?
I'm with ya, Keef. This weather has got my back screaming. Crawled out of bed yesterday long enough to take Mom something to eat and was rewarded with an hour long insult session for my efforts. Woke up this morning with the back hurting even worse, so it's canna caps for breakfast. Set the damn house on fire, I ain't leavin' this bed!
Banned in less than 24 hrs !- fast but no where near my record !-- Am I really that bad Rose ?-- Was looking around at some other sites and it didn't work out very well ! Oh well - it was an adventure !-- Think I'm gonna have to take some caps !-- Not getting around so well !
You guys in pain need to drink some warm lemon water with cayenne, i am telling you, it gets ya going in the morning.. I do it before coffee. It helps with pain and other stuff. Lemon pepper water followed by copious amounts of cannabis.
Rose that sounds just nasty !- Cayanne lemonade ?-- I don't know about that !-- I know how it would work - pepper juice releases endorphens in the body which are the bodies feel good drug !--Only problem my tank is empty !- Maybe I'll try a shot of hot sauce !-
Friggin Nazis !-- Done with that !-- We speak of sunshine - looking good -- feeling good - glory days ! Hope them caps kick in soon !- Made it to my easy chair after taking a couple caps of decarbed Widow trim chased with some coconut oil !-- Wish I could go to a MMJ Nurse familiar with the ways of weed to guide me to a healthier place ! - Did I just create a new vocation ? - Anyway , I'm with the Hippy !- I'd have to make my stand here !-- gonna have to do something like Kraven did installing drains !- Man handling a grow box around yesterday , that's what got me ! it's done and so am I!
When I can move - I think I got an old pump - some hose - and just pump the boxes empty for res. Change !- Oh!- that hurt !- Definitely need the cure to aging !-- but like Hippie said - it's not bad considering the alternative !
Morning OFC. Lots of stuff going on, just none of it good. Rain has been pretty steady. The hail was different, guessing tornados were forming somewhere. The lightening was crazy, and the thunder sent my alpha dog behind the couch. Sheriff was parked by my side yard for an extended period in between the rain. While I am legal, it is hard to let go of the fight or flight response. Couple of my neighbors were drinking beer in their front yard, lol.