Morning Grower !-- I hear there are some people who smoke weed everyday !- Can U believe that ?
sorry to hear this yoop, give them hell. i hope she gets to come home soon.Time to go raise hell at the nursing home. Just talked to my wife, late last night/early this morning they took her to the hospital for x-rays of her broken arm cause she could not stand for it to be touched. They BROKE HER ARM below the other one. This means back to the hospital 77 miles away for more surgery. I am mother ******* pissed off and do not care what I say right now.
rose thanks, but i have already had a pot of coffee, and i don't like to do it but the pain meds too. didn't sleep much and my knee is swollen which starts a waterfall of other things. when i did get to sleep lightening struck something close and the ol lady jumped up grabbed me then ran to the window to see. it was still pitch black outside but the three dogs decided to share our bed last night tried to trample me when this went down. gotta love the dogs but they sure don't like the lightening and thunder.God Yopper that is so horrible. I am so sorry for you both. Does she have osteoporosis? Is that why the bone is breaking. I know you don't care why right now.. I would be livid myself. I am sending healing wishes to mrs yopper right now. sheesh, you must be so pissed and worried.
Giggy, hope you feel better, do you need coffee?
Kraven, hope your day is a good one and no one dies.
G 13, i couldn't go to work loaded.. taking xrays loaded, did it once not again. ha.. but boy can i garden loaded and do everything else with my head bad.
Have a good monday if ya can ya'll.
Same nutes I've used for five highly successful indoor grows, and the same tank set up, too.Hippie what's this ?-- Sorry Cuz !-- Time to rethink your whole nute formula !- Start from scratch ! Do you have any exposed steel in your res. ?