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Thanks Gloman !-- been back pharming -- I can manage this T.E. - it matches my Widow for internode space - My Widow reacts to bloom faster but maybe by the time I've harvested the T.E. as many times as I've harvested the Widow it'll be trained too ! My little widow mother looks like the seed will be mature in a week or so !-- get them dried out and germed so I can see what I've done ! They are no where near kin and it's a F-1 cross from two power houses so hopefully I get the best of both ! Worst that happens is I'm stuck with my T.E. and Widow -- poor me !
Still alive and well, Cuz. Been a little stove up after picking up the winter's trash on my little half mile long road. I'm the third oldest buck on the road, but the only one that takes pride in where I live enough to clean it up. Older ones are too bad off to do it, and the younger bucks could give two $hits less. I get lots of compliments when I get it done (without help) though.

Got some donated Chernobyl seeds that should be above ground in the next day or two. Not too sure the Afghanis are going to make it or not. Thinking about hedging my bet and buying some Skunk #1 seeds just in case. I know they'll finish in time 'cause they did last year. Got some huge buds growing in the ground outside, too.
I feel ya Hippie !-- I was under the sink today preparing to change the faucet and I got twisted up and I think I've irritated one of those bulged disc in my neck !-- Left arm and hand are twitching -- I'm a thumb typer and I'm not sure the thumb is gonna do what I tell it tommorrow !-- So if I'm missing at the wake and bake it ain't cause I'm sulking !-- I hope the heat pack stops it from getting worse !-- Ain't getting old fun ?
There will be an official announcement soon but let's just say MP will be allowing exchanging of Genetics. The site itself will not be involved. The rule against it will be removed and basically what has been already going on via pm will be allowed. It needs to be done discreetly and safely. Remember, the biggest reason people get pinched is from loose lips. Telling anyone is dangerous, but swapping seeds and cuts is also risky. The person you swap with needs to be trustworthy. More info soon.
And I thought I was late, but alas, I gotta do what I gotta do. It`s "wake and bake " time in the OFC. Up and at `em boys and girls.
Rose brings good news I see.
wake and bake......... coffee and Satori........ hit like you mean it.
morning rose, yoop, grower and the rest of the ofc. had my bowl and waiting on me coffee. i had a great day yesterday and thank you all for the b-day wishes. had white cake with cream cheese icing but will get my dr. pepper cake this weekend. yall have a great day, i'll try to get back on later. peace

Critical Sensi Star..
Roses awesome announcement..

YEP! It is a good morning! :D
I've been a member of this site for a couple of years or so, lol, and this is the 1st time they have changed the seed and exchange policy. It has always been for everyone's protection and before everybody gets crazy about this, keep yourself protected and don't use real return addresses. With that said, use discretions and DON"T bug people for free seed. What people do in private, is just that...private. And if smoking and growing cannabis isn't about personal freedom, I don't know what is.
I am of the belief that seeds should not cost $200 for a pack, it is 1 of the reasons I have never sold a single seed, but have given away 1000's for free. I have traded seeds at other sites and have had both good and bad experiences. New pollenchuckers tend to breed poorly. The parental selection is limited and choosing a male is difficult at best, but sometimes shear luck create some noteworthy work. Experienced pollenchuckers do much better with their work and create more stable genetics. Just a FYI
Yes be carefull when making deals, as with anything thats not Legal.
We have always kept seed exchange in the PMs.
I agree with Umbra,,paying rediculous prices for Beans sucks.
Takin` a ride on the Ghost Train this morning`. All aboard, it`s ridin` time.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Caps and heat pack are helping little jerky but lefty working some ! Umbra !-- Teach my people how and why to breed !-- Who should be the mom or dad and why ! How to properly pollenate and how to preserve pollen !-- I had no teacher and still have many questions! Like can U breed a feminized plant ?-- If we gonna do this - let's do a good job !
Totally agree, seed prices get ridiculous. Gotta stay with stealth also. Do not like looking out from the "gray bar hotel".
Sending contraband thru the U.S. mail is a felony - if decide to use the mail -- at least set up a drop box!- A drop box is a mailing address at one of them places that rent mail boxes using another name ! The safest way is a U.P.S. or the like !-- vacuum sealed gets thru EVERY TIME ! Never had a problem with seed sending it U.P.S. or mail - When U set up a drop with an assumed name just remember -- Jesus Jones is taken !
I think the OFC has members with some common sense, but there are guests on here all the time that read this thread and a few LEO in the crowd. If you've ever looked at who's on line, there are some members who have never posted a single time but are constantly sending a never ending PM. Yeah, I think you know who you are. You guys must sit around and jerk off to pictures of Mitt Romney. Tax dollars are better spent solving real crime.
Sending contraband thru the U.S. mail is a felony - if decide to use the mail -- at least set up a drop box!- A drop box is a mailing address at one of them places that rent mail boxes using another name ! The safest way is a U.P.S. or the like !-- vacuum sealed gets thru EVERY TIME ! Never had a problem with seed sending it U.P.S. or mail - When U set up a drop with an assumed name just remember -- Jesus Jones is taken !
If you use a fake ID, that might get you in more trouble than the seeds in the mail
Dull, dreary day here, but the bowl full of two year old bubble hash makes it so much nicer!
I thought this stuff was supposed to degrade. Seems like it gets better!

Hippie jumped in the way. Started snowing hard here about an hour or two ago. we got 2-3 inches so far.
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