Dam mosquitos !-- Our skeeters got the West Nile and Zika little bastids !
I went on a date with a woman, years ago. She was into astrology and asked my birthday, time of day, ect. She was an EMT. She had owned a martial arts dojo when she was married and was proficient in numerous kung fu styles and she was a yoga instructor. She was very attractive, intelligent, articulate, insightful, and funny. She said we were a trine or something like that. All the stars line up in a row. I was smitten within minutes of meeting her. We had a marvelous meal at a brew pub. Chocolate soufflé for dessert. 1 too many beers I guess. She was wearing a medic alert bracelet and I asked what it was for? I didn't want to pry, but if she is wearing it, it is because she wants medical information available. Conversation led to my epilepsy and bam. She got up and left. She told me to loose her number.Umbra the numbers are only a part of it !-- If U want ole Keef do a tarot reading for U ? -- I perfer to use 2 different divination methods usually the Tarot and Rune Stones combined !-- Sometimes it helps U understand a situation !
Up until present times people with epilepsy were held in highest esteem it was said a god was possessing thier body which made them special and closer to God --whichever God that might be !-- They were considered seers and spiritual emissaries between man and God !--Very Special People !
I know that's right Umbra !-- I went out with a girl once and it was a happening date which appeared to me was gonna come to a happy ending !-- Almost did !-- She took my belt off and I thought this bout to happen !-- She looked up and had a possesed look in her eyes --She swung that belt around in the air and popped it like a whip !-- Date was over and I let her keep the belt !-- Tucked my tail between my legs and ran !