Home of the Old Fart's Club

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U know many times you've probably heard me say --Get D.D. to buy me this or that online ? -- I'm sure many think why can't U just go online and buy it yourself ? -- U better think about that some !-- U want to turn me loose with a debit card to buy stuff online ? -- I tap that card out before U can blink an eye !-- It best I be supervised !-- Works best I let D.D. buy me stuff ! -- Some things U just should not do !- -Giving me a card and turning me loose online --Might be one of them !
Be on lookout Hippy !-- Them guys with Reflector sunglass don't play ! --Welcome to Texas !

Umbra U killing me !-- Lemon Larry -x- Lemon Thai -x-Oregon Lemon ? -- Now just what da hell am I supposed to put on that little a** tag ? -- U need to just start giving them a name !-- I told D.D. I started some lemon seed and she ask what kinda lemon ?-- I said ask Umbra --Too much alphabet for me !
Umbra if I get some seed from that BBSL on SD -- I'm thinking about calling it Brain Cloud !-- If it turns out anything like mom ? --The name will fit ! -- D.D. and I talking variety names !-- My first thought was "B-Rad" a reference to the main character from the movie "Malibu's Most Wanted" ! -- So many fine names !
The little boy down the street ask why I was so old and ugly ? -- I said-- I'm U from the future !-- Little bastid cried for about a half hour !
Be on lookout Hippy !-- Them guys with Reflector sunglass don't play ! --Welcome to Texas !

Umbra U killing me !-- Lemon Larry -x- Lemon Thai -x-Oregon Lemon ? -- Now just what da hell am I supposed to put on that little a** tag ? -- U need to just start giving them a name !-- I told D.D. I started some lemon seed and she ask what kinda lemon ?-- I said ask Umbra --Too much alphabet for me !
Umbra if I get some seed from that BBSL on SD -- I'm thinking about calling it Brain Cloud !-- If it turns out anything like mom ? --The name will fit ! -- D.D. and I talking variety names !-- My first thought was "B-Rad" a reference to the main character from the movie "Malibu's Most Wanted" ! -- So many fine names !

I call it LemonShine.
Keef, you are in a mood today, lol. I got some store bought moonshine with cherries in it. A couple 20 oz cups and you can feel it
Got a buzz going so...I have a strain... all crazy sativas, I called it mindf*ck. Can't remember why?
D.D. been sampling the wares so I had to help !- Snow Desiel making me crazy !-- Mighta took a few extra caps too !-- I might be lit up like a Christmas tree and I know she is --but the SD got the job done !-- We looking at Rosen Presses ! --I'm bout a devious .....
Umbra, can you just catch a break? Those dogs! My day got a lot better, our son stopped by had the day off and said i could order him around. That was nice. I got caught up on a lot of stuff.

Im smoking some oregon diesel. I like it, relaxing but can still do stuff.
High all?

710 celebrations in full swing......keef gimme a sec I'm building one from scratch I can do a 12 ton press and 6x10 plates for under 500......way better then the crap thats out there fosure and about 2k cheaper. I am ordering plates tomorrow and will be getting them machined the week after...while thats all getting done i will make up the PID controller and box so all i have to do is install the plates on the bearing press ram when they are done being machined and lapped and polished.
Kraven at $130 I can't pass it up !- -- I gotta start somewhere !-- When I need a real one I'll want to see what U got !-- For now it will do until I'm more comfortable with the process !
Let me hit that Kraven ?
D.D. say when we find 5 grand I can have the Stoner Ranch and keep the beach house !-- She say late winter or early spring !-- I was already packing !-- See if I can figure this out ? -- Quess we be moving the pharm ! --
There was an exciting episode of the National Soap Opera tonight !-- They ain't going down for collusion !-- It's the financial crimes that will be thier downfall ! --Junior appears to be dumb as dirt !---Best show on TV !
Morning O.F.C. !-- Time for da Wake and Bake !-- I don't know Kraven ?-- Lots of times I can get away with telling the truth and have no one believe it anyway ! -- Time to get my hustle on for the Stoner Ranch ! -- Needs to find me that down payment ! --
Fire it up O.F.C. !
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