yes the two female 88g13hp, a night shade and a mazar all need to have babies. i almost got sick when i found pistils on the two boys. i'm gonna keep them a few more days to make sure but i figure they are gonna die. with the night shade and the mazar they are still seedlings so i still got a little time but the g13's one been in around two weeks and the other about a week. they are older plants so they wont take long and they will be off to the races. i'm gonna pop some temple x bpu so i can get another male to hit the night shade and mazar with as well.
keef i got something that is crossed with your te but i can't remember what it is. stuff i forgot about is cheech wizard x bpu (i think) and trips x bpu. i need to dig my box out. seems like i got some killing fields too.