Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Chilly 81 here with heat index close to 100 !-- It's a pain Rose but we'll get thru it !-- It was a good weekend ! --She won't be wanting for something to smoke for awhile !-- Sent a sack of caps too !--
Took some cuts this morning myself !-- 5 -Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel -- I got a brand new King Louie 13th --Lady !-- Might have 2-- 2nd one isn't showing yet !-- Also waiting to see sex on one Umbra's BOC !- Got a couple more that'll be right behind it ! -- 4 -6 plants per box and I got 15 Nurse Larry cuts rooting !-- Somebody be about to grow me a mess of the Nurse !
I have a friend growing 50 nurse larry... al clones in cali. I am so excited i about can't stand it,
Evening OFC Got my day done. Got a good Buzz, I am 7 weeks of not having to Buy from the street's. Feel Good
Ain't been that long since I got to quit buying Mexican brick weed -- So Hippy I know that feeling !-- Weed Independence is what I call it !

Instead of brick weed I got to smoke stuff like this new batch of B.B. King !

I can live with that !

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And don't be talking about how ugly my box tops are !-- Some them boxes been growing cycle after cycle for almost 3 years !-- They got a right to look like sheet !-- Plus they still cranking out Dank cycle after cycle !
Thanks Rose it really is, One day I would try this Nurse Larry. Sounds Awesome. I was a Bad Boy and bought more seeds. GG # 4 X LBL.
Yes Ma'am she good medicine !-- Clones easy --grows well -- Produces well for me -- She be here awhile !
I'm sure that could be arranged Hippy !-- I'd pitch U a clone if U would be willing to catch it !-- Seems someone had some F-2 seed ? --Or did someone keep a male ? -- She around !
GG #4 -x- what ? -- I fought with the G.G. and lost! -- One day there will be a rematch !
Yo Hippy what was this PP thing again ?-- Whatever it is it's growing !
Rose this Hoe Berry came with those Nurse Larry seed !-- I don't know anything about her genetics -- She real stretchy and I almost let her go but look what she makes and she don't play !-- Very good smoke !-- I might have to hang on to her !

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Keef PP is Panama Power House it's on seedfinder. GG # 4 X Long Bottom Leaf. You can Goggle LBL it's on Leafly. I catch clones do you. Might be getting Hot for it. I would think there is a Goldy Lock's Zone. I need to Know more. Keef Pm reply.
I have NCH's cut of GG#4. He dumped more than 5,000 of them at the dispensaries. Then he back crossed his cut with something else, so it is unique and different from everyone else's. I bought it from a dispensary for $14.
Speaking of the Nurse Larry I checked today and I finally got a girl I am so excited :yay:
Keef PP is Panama Power House it's on seedfinder. GG # 4 X Long Bottom Leaf. You can Goggle LBL it's on Leafly. I catch clones do you. Might be getting Hot for it. I would think there is a Goldy Lock's Zone. I need to Know more. Keef Pm reply.

I shop at the same place and have a few different LBL crosses that were freebies.
Except for the O.F.C. -- None my stuff leaving my hands alive !-- Especially locally !-- I have my way there may be some triploid clones and /or --I release !-- Breed them if U can !-- I want to branch off from main stream varieties !-- I even plan to lie about genetics if asked ! -- Let the weed do the talking !
I still don't have a high CBD variety but it's still early ! --Other than that I'm ready for them to blow the dam whistle so I can unleash the beast on these helpless locals !
In the brewing world, being able to control fermentation temps are critical. I'm thinking an affordable free standing computer controlled walkin cooler could have other applications, lol.

Keef PP is Panama Power House it's on seedfinder. GG # 4 X Long Bottom Leaf. You can Goggle LBL it's on Leafly. I catch clones do you. Might be getting Hot for it. I would think there is a Goldy Lock's Zone. I need to Know more. Keef Pm reply.

Good day hippy what did you say the sr 91 was
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