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Little bud stealing bastid he like caps too !-- Found one stuck to the side of his face one day !-- Don't know where he got it but he eat caps -- He fight U for them too !-- I tried to reach under the bed to get my bud back and he bit me !
Now Bud I hope U not expecting a big sack of seed !-- I don't think that little mother has more than a couple dozen seed -- B.B. King might only have half dozen and I see only one on the Widow !-- Might be more just won't know till I take it in a few days ! -- We'll find a nice Strawberry or we'll have seed to breed more and look again !---I may only keep a half dozen or so myself -- I got the mother all I need is a good male if I don't find the Strawberry I'm looking for 1st time around !-- They be one in there somewhere !-- I'm kinda interested in what's gonna come out these few seeds off B.B. King !-- Don't know what kinda terepene profile to expect so we see ?-- A Blueberry /Strawberry ?-- Who knows ?-- I be finding out only way I know how !-- Grow it out and smoke it !

No man I'm not expecting a lot just hoping for a couple to try my luck hope you're having a good evening man
Oh my gawd !-- What hurts the least ? -- This old body just don't heal like it used to ! -- Face is swollen --Dam thunder !-- I may be late or a no show for Wake and Bake !--Later!
OMG! Just heard that Chris Cornell of Soundgarden & Audioslave died. I am just devastated!
I give up on going to bed !-- I'll nap when I can !-- I am Waked and properly Baked !-- Took extra caps !
Anyway U old farts better Wake Up !-- U know when I'm left unsupervised I end up in trouble !
Good Morning Keef, I woke up to an overcast morning. Still taking clones ( I work slow) and I am actually hoping for rain all day to keep me at home.
DD my oldest son said the same thing this morning. I didnt even know who he was. Which don't mean much cause i listen to mostly older rock and Country.
Morning all, pouring coffee and cold meds down my neck, thought i was about over this mess yesterday but it seems to have a second act. I been following along but just not much to say. Lots going on in the country these days. I hope everyone has a good day.
Morning Kraven,,,im gonna go kick work in the *** and head home to Dallas...yehaaaaaaa
Hope you have a good day Hopper and a safe trip home for the weekend.
Good morning peeps! exercise was canceled, think i will eat a donut... Kidding. i haven't had a donut in 10 years. lol Mr wilson gets his big boy haircut today. I will miss this scruffy long haired hippy dog. I got stuff to do...
Kraven, get well. Rest, vitamins. etc.
Keef, sleep my friend.
Thanks Rose, wife is ushering me off to the bath and then to bed, she filled me up with Cold meds, vitamins plus plenty of C and B6, and 12 and I'm good and sleepy again....stupid cold, felt like I was gonna be over it yesterday....sure did come back with a vengeance today. Tried to smoke a bowl...that didn't go well. Really hoping my emphysema doesn't cause this to become bronchitis....if so I'll hit the VA's sick call Monday morning if I have not shook it by then. Thank you all for the well wishes.....this too shall pass.
Good Morning OFC. Got a Dr. appointment for my knee. Max's head butted my knee head on. And, now something not right. Got Xrays yesterday. So, we will see what going on. Forgot to log out yesterday. Everyone have a nice day.
Morning O.F.C. !--again !-- I feel like I been tied to the whipping post !-- Lawdy stuff hurts !--

Ness U better be more careful !

I'm with Nick --Ain't doing nothing today that can wait till tommorrow !

Kraven there do be a lot happening in our world and I got an opinion but the rules don't allow me to express it properly !
oh no ness, i hope it isn't serious.. let us know what the doc says. good luck.

Get better soon keef.
Thanks Rose !-- Might slow me down a couple days but I got back up after worse !-- All I had planned today was taking some plants and doing some trimming !-- Today ? --Tommorrow ? -- Close enough !-- Gonna be replacing them with several clones of the green pheno of Purple Haze !-- I 'm bout to have another cup of coffee !-- I feel them caps gripping my stomach so they fixing to kick in !-- Maybe I get some trimming done later ?
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