77 here right now with no air movement and overcast --Like liquid air out there !-- I drained the hot tub but haven't cleaned and refilled it !-- Next several days gonna be rainy !-- Don't expect to get much accomplished !-- I need to see what day D.D. coming home - I need to make a hardware store run get some more boxes and stuff ! -- Got the 6th box of an 8 box rotation going into bloom on Friday !
Only thing Kraven is an 8 box rotation gonna need 9 boxes !-- 8×7 = 56 - most my stuff is close to 60 days maybe a little over !-- I am not the best most dedicated trimmer -- I'd rather hack away at it steady instead of getting slammed with trimming !
Every Friday I'm moving a box to bloom -- Ready to smoke in maybe 2 weeks ? -- I hang the plant for about a week then take the bud off the vine and put it in open jars for about another week then it is usually ready to cap -- I still burp them once a week for awhile !--
I'm coming up on a time when I need to get me a Rosen Press !-- I got some work to do before I got a process nailed down but I want to turn most of each harvest into hash and press the oil out -- I'll be doing it regularly and have a work table in mind --Making hash --pressing the oil and filling carts !-- I got no problem hand trimming the prettiest bud for head stash !-- So I don't think I need a trimming machine --If so I get one later !
Oh heck no, they aint cuttin nothin off my gear that smokes. I like pretty buds too but when half your weight is in the sugars pile that kinda hurts. I'm glad someone finally posted, I have been waiting for a good while myself.
Enjoy that Hoe Berry it's one I want to drop !-- She fine smoke but so lanky and I don't use nets and stuff !-- Hoe Berry a pain to grow !--Even when I put the Hoe Berry knot on them !
dog i'm the same way, but i could use them sugar leaves to make hash and may start in the future. i made iso in the past but would really like to try for some bubble hash.