Wow! What a night! Went to 5 deliveries! The best part of last night tho was the news about the nephew! When I got that text I nearly fainted-- really! My empath mind honestly thought he was dead. Much relieved, as this has been eating away at me since early Mon morning. It would be interesting to know what happened to the weed & the scooter, but don't expect to ever truly know. If I wasn't so soft hearted he wouldn't have been there to start with. Just relieved. Gotta get to bed now. You all have a great day.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Is it still morning ? -- Yep still hurting !-- Caps - pipe -- Coffee !-- Oh this body ain't happy with me today !-- Got it done though ! -- I can cripple up for a couple days !-- Got the last of Umbra's BOC into aero -- 4 -- BOC and 6 --King Louie plants in da house !--
Front moving thru today !-- Got some pressure building in my face --I'm work on building the perfect buzz !-
Keef I was gone when all the excitement safe and secure? I saw where you worked on the light frames the other day....I'm just now catching up on the events bro
We good Kraven !-- Lost my scooter ! --lost some jars !--Woulda rather been with U up in Colorado !-- Looking forward to some boring times !-- No permanent problem !-- Got my Light rack up -- Working on putting in a proper grow room !-- Went back this morning and took some Nightshade cuts -- My BBSL is a handsome young man !-- He's back in veg. !
Mazar -I -Shariff gave me cuts too !-- The grow is coming along nicely!
Hey Ness !-- How's the knee ? -- U gonna get your clone on with this grow ?-- U can do it !-- U can start on that Master Kush soon as it as a limb big enough to take !-- She feminized so we already know she a girl !
From then on all U have to do is have a rooted clone waiting and U can grow her long as U want to! -- Did I see U also had a couple Nurse Larry ? -- Find a girl and keep her cause it is great medicine ! -- My White Widow be 4 years old in August !-- She keep giving and I keep taking !
I got a question for the brain trust !-- Does cannabis have any effect in treating diabetes if so what ? -how ?
I've never used it for that kinda thing !-- U think oral THCA might have an effect on sugar regulation ? -- I've seen it used for Crohns and I.B.S. -- Taken orally with no decarb !--
No idea, Keef. Gave the dogs a bath, lol. I might have gotten wetter than they did. Lost a palm tree in the wind storm. Cut it up into little pieces. Ate 3 rso caps to cope with the pain in my hands and back. Watching Netflix documentary about Tim McVey.
U ever soak those hands in some hot Epson salt water Umbra ?
Weather got my face messed up and I over did it yesterday so I 'm screwed !-- Nothing to do but Nurse a buzz !-- I need to decarb some weed and make me some more caps !-- When I can get around better I'm get some Temple -x- BPU and whatever those other seed were started !--
Steak and salad here Cuz. Your rotation looks good. I am now a enabler with seeds. VCD got me again. Wife said I had to get them, Lucky for me. I let the enabled name there self.
Time to go burn one.
Good Evening OFC :48:
What up Hippy ? -- I got some pork chops thawed out but had a Frito Chili Pie instead ! -- Hopper talking about fried catfish made me want to fry something !-- I may yet fry they a** up --Go buck wild and make some mashed potatos and gravy too !
I watched the same one last night Umbra, was interesting but really didn't address the topic fully imho.....sorta like they ran low on money towards the end and sorta wrapped it up at a quicker pace.
Steak and salad here Cuz. Your rotation looks good. I am now a enabler with seeds. VCD got me again. Wife said I had to get them, Lucky for me. I let the enabled name there self.
Time to go burn one.
Good Evening OFC :48:
Hahaha I confess I'm the guilty party hahaha We all know how the Seed disease goes thank you again hippy I greatly appreciate it i'm really curious what.C 91 is going to be like
And that's da way we roll up in da O.F.C. !-- I don't know how to say no to planting some when some seed show up around here !-- I had a good racket going there for awhile !-- O.F.C. send me seed to split up and send out to others ?-- U dam straight I got me a portion too !-- I need to start taking a good look at what I got !-- It's a hard thing to do but I'm cut some of these stretchy sativa hybrids go !-- Not a question of quality but the squat indica leaning bushy heavy producers work best for me !-- Convinced myself to drop 4 !-- but which 4 ?
I haven't been saying anything about brewing in the grow room lately !-- That's because all my gallon glass thumb jugs is full !-- I been itching to try a new recipe !-- Pina Colada! -- I'm talking pineapple and coconut cooked and fermenter together !-- I get all the natural oils by chilling it before I start I think it'll work !