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Morning O.F.C. tea and Nurse Larry then off to school...:48:
Caps have kicked in and still got a pipe or 2 !-- I been worse !--- D.D. gonna be fine too !-- She got her own address !-- Should any question arise ? --We separated ! --She don't have a clue what I'm doing here ! --I'm crazy as hell !--Ask her ! -- When I told her what happened she made me promise not to do anything that wasn't 100 % defensive !--- She on the warpath !--- This did get me thinking !-- I took the nephew to the trailer where his sister and father died !-- My brother used "rat holes" - He'd have stuff put in places few would know to look !-- I think maybe when we were there he found some drugs !-- The po-po searched the place after each death but they didn't know the brother !-- There's probably stuff up there that will never be found !
Ain't that the truth Dog ? -- I got a Blackberry Snow Lotus boy !-- A Bubba's Momma that's a boy too !-- Knew I was about out of luck isolating girls !-- I will only keep 2 of these 4 boys maybe just one ?-- BBSL might be the boy I been looking for ?
U wanna come grow weed in my neck of the woods ? -- Better bring your "A" game !-- I'm getting good at this sheet !-- Quanity will come !-- Quality is in da house already ! -- I talked to D.D. -- She say stand my ground and don't tear down the grow !-- I wasn't going to anyway ! -- U got to know the place is ****y trapped again ?-- Nothing lethal just enough to slow someone down !-- Fish hooks are for more than just fishing !--
keef, i heard the bbsl male was a male to breed with. also i found out a few days ago. the bbsl you and i are running is actually a cross between BBSL and something else. guy that made the seeds said he had three possible males it could have come from. so you may have a chance to find some pheno's in your seed. I was under the impression at first it was a cross between Bodhi Blackberry and Snow Lotus. Actually it is BBSL x ?
its good stuff, i've been happy with it.
Thanks Dog !-- I 'm O.K. about the BBSL this one has good structure and leans towards indica !-- I got Snow Desiel and the Blue T.E.girls that are related to the Snow Lotus !-- I'll put him to work soon !-- It be awhile but I save U some pollen for your girl if U want ?
Umbra -- 6 of 6 seed King Louie germed and 3-4 of the BOC --They still working !-- Might be more ?
you dont have to save the pollen. next time i chunk pollen i will be a little more prepared. i have a handful of Northern Lights that are legit. i plan on doing some hunting with them and make a few seeds. maybe this fall.. i need more space to do what i want, yet i am scaling down. doing what i need to do vs. what i want to do. its hard being a part time pot farmer.
you dont have to save the pollen. next time i chunk pollen i will be a little more prepared. i have a handful of Northern Lights that are legit. i plan on doing some hunting with them and make a few seeds. maybe this fall.. i need more space to do what i want, yet i am scaling down. doing what i need to do vs. what i want to do. its hard being a part time pot farmer.

For me, it was a natural progression to get bigger. And while bigger isn't always better, it does seem the way to go. Scaling up creates its own problems that never seem to be at issue when the grow is small. My experience has been as if I was learning to grow all over again. Of course, I changed every aspect of my grow, so when I saw issues, I didn't know what caused it. Think I'm back on track, but only the final product will tell for sure.
Cool Dog !-- I just moved him back to veg so if U change your mind let me know !-- Chopped the Bubba's Momma and that's the last of those seed !--
I found something when I was gathering my nephews things -- An unfilled prescription for 3 seperate anti -physchotics ! --Strong ones too !-- I didn't know about the mental issues ! -- Oh well !-- Send his sheet somewhere cause he done here !-- I used to have a scooter !-- He probably sold it or something !-- I been hunting !
damn keef. i hope you get the scoot back. but if all you lose is the scooter and a case of weed, then i would chalk that up as a win..
So I have this on my mind, best to talk about it...maybe share some opinions. Hermi's. Do you breed plants you know have hermi genetics, because it is dank. My opinion is breeding with hermi's just defeats the whole purpose of breeding. Cannabis wants to continue the species, so as a landrace, some cannabis will hermi naturally. In my opinion, part of the breeder's art is to breed out those characteristics. I stress any plant I even think I will breed with, to see if it will hermi easily. Most people see female to male hermi's. But the opposite is also true. Male plants that will pop a few hairs here and there. DJ Short mentioned these plants as anomalies and thought that their genetics were very special. When I grew out some of Bodhi's headtrip, I had a male that popped a few hairs. I took a picture and posted it at breedbay for Bodhi to see. He sent me a pix of the male he used in the breeding and it popped a couple of hairs also. I chose not to breed with that male, but found another in the pack of seeds that did not display that trait. I have not seen any hermi's in the F2 I did, but I suspect the genetic trait is still there, just recessive at the moment.
I'll try to do U proud on them Umbra !-- I will not let a hermie live !-- I know bout male to female hermies !-- I give it no thought !-- They gotta die !-- Breeding a hermie is about as much of an obomination as those Auto things !
Keef, the headtrip is part of the box of chocolate and I wanted to discuss some of the genetics since you just popped some.
based on what Bodhi told me, he bred a male turned female hermi in making the headtrip.
I'm just after a girl who don't hermie --She can have it in her history long as the one I got don't hermie I'm good !-- I'm no breeder !-- I know how to make seed but it would take a much-much bigger grow to breed properly !-- The best female of a thousand !-- Same with the male but since U can't see the males potential U gotta go with plant structure !-- Then U gotta keep that male alive until U smoke/test it's offspring !-- Too big an operation for me when I can just take some killer production plants and grow my a** off ! -- Yeah !-- Production plants !-- Single potent a** plants that like the way I grow !--Every plant ain't a production plant !--
i keep finding a stray seed in the bpu as i grow it. probably my fault. but i have had a few strains just hermie on me bif time. threw the seeds out too
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