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Morning Ms. Ness !-- Happy Easter !-- No eggs here !-- Maybe a couple fried !-- I don't know about dirt farming -- U don't know what is in the dirt so it seems it would all be guessing to me !-- I got that reverse osmosis water filters !-- My tap water got close to 300 parts per million -- After the RO filters it has 6 parts per million !-- I know what is in my water -- I see some grow fantastic weed in dirt --I can't do that !-- Keep my PH between 5.6-6.0 and my nute solution works for me !-- The Mars Hydro lights about 18 inches from tallest plant and the Sheet grows for me and gets Berry-Berry frosty !-- So I can't go back to dirt !-This is all I know !--
The nephew been a big help !-- His father died and he went a little ape sheet -- Went on a bender and almost died of alcohol poisoning !-- Scared da hell out him !-- Now his sister has died !-- He just needs some shelter to let his mind heal !-- It is helping me too !--
Gonna build a perfect buzz today !
Morning Keef. Water sounds like a great way to grow. Maybe some day in the future. I love seeing all those white roots you show in pictures. I got my seeds in solo cups right now. The cups are dark red all except one cup is light green, so, I can see the roots grow.

Well, another couples of bowls then off to feed the pups. Have a High Easter Sunday everyone.
Keef, I'm glad it is working out with your nephew. He is lucky you opened up your doors for him. Have a peaceful day. Bye
Morning Bud. I'll smoke one with ya.:48: Is everyone having a ham today?

I don't think I'm having dinner till tomorrow night kids are away at their dads house so we're just waiting for them to get home :48:
Happy easter, happy spring, happy happy.

I am making Bud some scotch eggs this morning. yall know those, hard-boiled eggs wrapped in sausage, dipped in breadcrumbs and baked for a bit? I don't do it very often.

Got my three little girls harvested yesterday... Not a big harvest but I am loving my satori haze. So glad i have another one that i will clone.. woo hoo.

You guys that have nurse larry, congrats, i am out of seeds. I thought i had some that thc had made #2s.. they were all dead... so I have Keefs 5 seeds he sent me back and i need to make more Nurse seeds. You will like the smoke of nurse larry Ness. I am sorry you aren't feeling well, how are the knees doing?

Goodmorning bud and hippy and each and everyone of you.
Morning Rose! -- U get a male ?--I got a nice girl !-- Da Nurse ain't going away anytime soon !-One day Keef may grow a warehouse full of Nurse Larry !-- - Waiting for my Strawberry to get a little more hairy I got some Canadian Strawberry pollen be putting on her soon !
I'm not a "Breeder" but I can put pollen on a plant and make some seed !--
Overcast and warm at the beach today !

Where Nick ?
Congratulations Hopper !-- Dallas just adopted the catch and release like Houston and Austin !-- Cuz don't be getting any tickets for possession of less than a quarter pound !-- Personally I have every intention of getting me one them tickets one day to frame and hang on the wall !
Well my lights coming along pretty good got my fans holes cut and installed I think it's time for a smoke break and then back to cleaning up the holes and then mounting the drivers Cut a hole for the switch for the lizard lights and a spot for timer for the lizard lights what do you guys think so far I think I'm going to call it the BudLight hahaha hope everyone's Day is going good :48:


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Stupid Rabbit,,,i followed the basterd around all day,,,got no big chocolate eggs,,just these little Chocolate pepples that tasted like ****. :rofl:
Dam wabbit !

Hey Rose -- I saw somewhere U asked about a flashing green light on an electric toothbrush and if it was too much light ? -- I try to keep my mouth shut when people start talking about an absolutely black grow room during lights out !-- I ain't like them !-- I veg in a walk in closet off a bathroom -- I have the door open a couple inches for ventilation at night -- So from bloom lights out at 8 pm until veg lights out at midnight !-- I got more light leakage than some little green light like U got !-- There is a limit on the light leakage !-- but I don't seem to have a problem with what I do !-- I got one those little plug in magic bug repellers in the grow room and it got a green light too !

Yo Bud -- About the PM ? -- U got it !
Weed growing along a highway on the fence line with headlights from traffic all night long and it will still bloom in fall !-- Somebody need to 'splain about how that works ?
Bud Light and Blue Dream make everything taste better. :smoke1:
Keef, i am kinda re thinking the whole dark period thing. When you grow outdoor and there is no moon to a full moon, we got a light leak. I have been thinking this for a month or so.

Got a whole bunch of seeds planted today, hope to make seeds if the circumstances allow. Also getting some planted for outside. Had thrip in the veg room... not happy, but took them outside and spinosided them. bastards.
Ribs and tater salad coming up.
I know what U mean about the light Rose !-- It's a grey area to me !-- How much of what kind of light is acceptable ! -- I don't do it often and not for long but if I need something out the grow room I'll turn the light on till I find what I want !
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