whats a name anyway?? thats why the golden ticket is collecting dust on the shelf. folks too worried about the name. the name don't get you high..
Actually if you went on weedmaps, you would have seen 3 or 4 dispensaries with it. I talked to the owners to see what the problem was. 1 guy told me it was his fav smoke both taste and quality of the high, and it still sat there. It isn't loud enough for folks here. They want a smell to punch you in the face, and a taste that overwhelms you. The golden ticket isn't that. Still dank and frosty, just not the 1 inch punch is all.You are very right buddy I Telya I wish I was close to that dispensary where Umbras golden ticket is sitting because I'd be buying all that up hope you're having a good morning so far :48:
Evening Folks
Kravens can I have a brownie
Keef I was going to level off at 12. Then on another site, They put up a auction. They baited me big. Do a test run on a new variety, They put them up for $4.20 + 6 shipping. 8 reg seeds
I bought them. The breeder is ISP SR 91 what there calling them.
Guys my 6 yr old Granddaughter called me and she was crying so hard. She just found that her class mate passed away last night from an Asthma attack. So very sad. She thinks Pawpaw can fix it. I wish i could.