magnetos operate on rare magnets. they die. it should be easy enough to check switch with a meter. check manufacturer of mag and look it up, or a repair manual. they probably have something on line to go thru a check list of stuff.O.K. all U wrench monkeys !-- Hook a brother up !-- Got the fuel system clean on the scooter !-- Here's there deal !-- When it cranks it runs great now -- But sometimes it would turnover and over like it wasn't getting any fuel or no spark !-- Waited till it wouldn't start and took the plug out and sure enough --No spark !-- So what's a brother got to do ? -- I my mind it could be something as simple as a defective on/off switch !-- U can turn it over and it sounds the same with the switch on or off -- Other than that what ? -- These things got a magneto -- Talk to me !- Tell me what to do next !