I grow da hell out my midgets don't I ? -- I feel like another disaster could happen at any time !-- All I can do is face it when it happens and win !
I have already checked it is the driver. The light has 4 drivers 1 for each 3 rows of light. I can make any of the 4 sets not work by hooking to the 1 driver. Light board is good.Hippy in da house !-- Broke LED ? -- The problem be that they hook those chips up in series !-- One chip in the series goes the whole circuit shuts down !-- To test if it is driver-- U hook that driver up to another circuit and see if it lights it up !-- U can take a piece of wire -- I used a paper clip cut into a U !-- A jumper wire !
Use rubber gloves or insulation -- 110 volts will ruin a perfectly good buzz !-- Turn the light on and go down the bad row jumping around each one !-- If the driver is good -- When U jump around the bad chip the rest will light up !-- I can take pics ?-- We need a proper buzz to mess with it cause it has electricity !-- Anyone can do it straight and sober but can U do it when U twisted up sideways ?--