Goodmorning ofc... coffee is good, about to try some sour tangie.. Have a great saturday all of you.
O.K. I'm ready now !-- What was we doing ?-- I got nicotine and caffeine and some weed on board !-- Caps too !-- I got to move some today !-- Got back from the store and went to move the car and nothing but "click" -- Got a bad battery connection I got fix and go get it inspected !-- Get some good gas for the scooter and clean the fuel system ! -- I still don't totally trust the scooter -- Sometimes it don't want to start !-- Like a vapor lock or water in the tank !-- Turn it over all U want and no spark !-- Go out later and she fires right up !
Usually after I have run the battery down and charger it back up !-- I don't like it !
Sure beats my Mexican Connection.Keef has a Russian Connection, ,,now thats cool,,,,:smoke1: