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Keef what I was tryin to say was I have approval from the breeder to self his work for my convenience. I would never work with a strain that is the property of another breeder. Now some mutt poly-hybrid go to town on it, use it for your own projects....but the special ones C99, A11 and 13, BeP, GM, ChemD, Trainwreck... these are all money makers for the breeders....would be all kinda wrong to step on their shoulders without first getting permission. Wouldn't you agree. Kinda like the old sayin....whats done in the dark will always come to light.
The only time I have seen Bodhi get mad with another breeder was Ken Estes for not giving credit to H&L for Appalachia ( green crack x tres dawg) and renaming it Bay 11 and calling it his own.
I realized what kind of world I live in when I was a young man doing research and development for concrete machine companies !-- I built a machine for a company in Illinois and set a production shop up to mass produce it !-- When I finished I got an engineering Bonus and a pink slip on the same day !-- They no longer needed me !-- When I left they a huge back order and they still making it !-- Once I was driving down the road in some old jalopy that was all I could afford -- As I passed by a road construction site they were building road with my machine !-- That is the world I live in!
Yea Umbra, most of the time if your on the up and up and give props there are no surprises.

Keef I have no opinions on that, you and me we both know what would happen. Don't mistake me for a sissy....I am very capable. Just think that if a skeeter landed on your balls you would immediately agree that violence is not always the only solution to the problem.
Mistake a marine for a sissy ? -- It never crossed my mind !-- We all have a different path to walk thru life !
It forms us all it to what we become !-- I'm comfortable with who I am but it hasn't always been that way !
I'm sure there's some things we would all like to forget but ya can't ever forget it !-- U have to learn to live with yourself -- I found a way !--
Morning all, off to see the ol' hippy for a good ol fashioned safety meeting....well and a lil trading too.
Morning O.F.C...Misty cold morning here this a.m.
Girls are waking up...Kraven have a great safety meeting sound fun:)
Morning O.F.C. !-- Dragging bad !-- Feeling like I took a mighty a** whooping yesterday !-- Everything hurts but I'll live !-- I hope Bud and Rose get well soon !-- I ain't sick I just got some broken parts !
Noddy -- Welcome to the O.F.C. !-- I grow aero in plastic boxes not sure the stakes would help me so I just keep'm small !
Kraven - Cane have a good one ! --
I got the Nurse in da pipe looking for some relief !
Good Morning Folks. Join me for coffee and a Doob? :48:
I have jeep maint. in store for today. Also, on a different note, I popped five more of those "Skunky" seeds this morning. They unfortunately are not as dark as I would like but they look healthy so who knows. I tried 'em before with no joy but then again, I got nuttin' but time.
I am considering crawling back under a rock and going dark again !-- I really enjoy hanging with the peeps at the O.F.C. but it's been proven states rights means nothing anymore !-- The new feds show up at M.P. or any similar site with a search warrant we all go down !-- Maybe it's time for ole Keef to be somebody else somewhere else !-- I'm not feeling very encouraged about the national end to prohibition or the future itself !-- If U don't have my e-mail send me a PM !-- I'm not leaving MP or the O.F.C. but I already had a target on my back and I'm feeling a little exposed these days !-- Maybe I should just move to the shadows until the madness ends ?-- It wouldn't take much I do got some rabbit in me !
Take care Bud !-- Get some decarbed weed in your belly as caps or whatever !-- It'll make U more comfortable !-- D.D. was gonna come home yesterday but she running a temp and probably got the flu ! - I told her just rest and get well me and the dogs are doing fine !-- If it gets bad enough I can go bring her home !
Really Bud Make some caps or canna something !-- I take the caps for pain !-- Almost 10 years a legal morphine junkie !-- The caps are what I take now ! -- They will work !-- I also take some Tumeric fairly regular too and it also helps !-- I know pain listen to ole Keef !

I will take your device or not and get some of that in my belly right away. Hope you're having a good day my friend
Good deal Bud !-- If it didn't work I wouldn't take it !-- Took Rose forever to convince me to try some Tumeric with the Caps and some oil or food with some oil !-- It helps with inflammation which causes the pain !-- I take a dose of caps about 3 times a day !-- I make the caps from my trim !
I don't think this Strawberry Desiel thing gonna make it 60 days ! -- It's close at 50 days !
I was looking at some of the listed "Clone only" varieties and U know Kraven ain't the only one doing the
S-1 thing so "Clone Only" seems to be something from the past !-- Seems like if it can be done someone is gonna do it !
Both the GM and SF finish at 56-57 days, fast frosty finishers. Clone only is very different from S1's.....a clone is exactly the same as the donor....the S1 will have some genetic variance and may be a little different....good or bad. Cut only held strains are still cut only.
I was reading a thread at another site about triangle ( white ) vs triangle kush, tkog, clone only and S1. They are all different. I have a pack of Krome's white triangle and still have no idea what I have, lol
Hi guys, how is it going, i was hoping ya would miss me, thanks keef!:vap-Bong_smoker: Not sure what illness i had but it was mild and brief..

The Double Strawberry diesel is a fussy clone here at my house. She is finicky. Wilts with too much light, she acts like she has a headache or something...

Keef, i was thinking about you last night, a fellow stoner woman made us biscuits and gravy and she used some chorizo and man it was warm. I had only had liquids for two days so that was not the best first meal, i mean it tasted good, but i am delicate flower and there was too much grease... Back on smoothies today.

Hey WH, you never call me on your way home... miss ya!
:rofl: Yea the o'l hippy's looked the same this morning Rose....he said she don't like wet feet....kinda reminds me of HS.....she is not gonna be an easy one the o'l hippy said as he reminded me I was due a cut. I smiled and hugged him, good to be with friends.
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