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I was not napping !--dogs and cats - that's just nasty !--gonna have some coffee and another pipe -- and some Cannacaps ! --
best looking roots so far, to bad its a plant i'm about to put down

i'll try regular beans again when i have enough room to grow-out more than 1 @ a time...
Then, the satori and chuck's wife can come play with this c99


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I was transplanting last night, when ADD hit me and I was like ROOT PORN
Root Porn in dirt !-- I like it !-- if by mid swimmer everything wasn't Brown -- I'd do an outside gorrila grow in a minute !
now were talking...

I've been a fan of caps for almost 5 years now and love them!
I used to make them with coconut oil, but have since then really become fond of just decarbing my buds, grinding the flowers to a dust, and packing them straight into the caps.

They can be so strong and sometimes last a little too long if taking more than one.

Im with you guys on the Decarbing and ingesting. I had to stop smoking for awhile because of my Esophagus was so irritated. So I started decarbing and putting my herb on Toast or with my Oatmeal. Now Im loving the high and it last so much longer. Also it keeps my Blood Pressure down to about 107/76. Weed is the best blood pressure meds ever. Ever since my Open Heart Surgery they wanted me on BP Meds but they make me ill where i can do crap,,so I quit taking them over a yr ago cause I found out the Weed does a much better job without the side effects. My Doc freaked when he foumd out my BP was 108/77 from an edible i ingested 4 hrs ago. lol
Rose I used to decarb (30@230 degrees) then cook my weed in coconut oil strain and put the oil in caps !- now I buy 00 empty caps at the vitamin store and just grind up my weed and pack it in the caps and chase them with some coconut oil !- works for me ! Seems to be the simplest way and it'll get-r-done !
One more thing !-- a fixed male or female dog will mount another animal as a show of dominance ! Nothing sexual about it !
Ha the rottie alpha female I have, just bites him until he cries and runs away
Got a question for the brain trust - I got a RO system coming in this week -- do I need to worry about any kind of shock when I switch from filtered water to RO ?
Got a question for the brain trust - I got a RO system coming in this week -- do I need to worry about any kind of shock when I switch from filtered water to RO ?

Some people swear RO water needs cal mag
Thanks Lyfe !-- I got Cal Mag if I need it !-- RO has got to be better for my girls than filtered city water !-230 ppms and pH of 8.5 after filtering !
Thanks Lyfe !-- I got Cal Mag if I need it !-- RO has got to be better for my girls than filtered city water !-230 ppms and pH of 8.5 after filtering !

That's what I thought, so I got the hydro stealth 200
Got a question for the brain trust - I got a RO system coming in this week -- do I need to worry about any kind of shock when I switch from filtered water to RO ?

I bounce back and forth mine don't mind. My tap water is 190 ppm PH 9
Morning O.F.C. !-- Thanks for the feedback on RO guys !-- Time to get up so we can get down !- Wake and Bake has began !
Good morning OFC. I be joining keef on the wake and bake. Trying to get my remodeling in my garden room finished. Wanna pop some beans, getting anxious. Decided to sort through the seeds I have (cheap way out) and get growing. I`ll admit it, I`m addicted to growing a simple weed. Who`d have thunk it.
good morning OFC. Had a black out episode last night. Got a leg cramp and got out of bed to stretch. Asked the wife to get me a magnesium pill. When she gave it to me I popped in my mouth and it got stuck going down so I asked for some more water. that's the last thing I remember till I woke up a minute later. She said my eyes were open and my bladder let lose. First time that that has ever happened. I think I was dehydrated. Now the wife says I'm not allowed to drive . It's a bitch getting old. She even took my walk with me and is driving me to cards today.
Don't be doing that Bozzo !-- Hey -- Clerk at the store ask what I was giving up for Lent -- told him I was giving up kosher bacon !-- I'm not sure he ever got it ! It's in the low 40s and rainy again !-- Sucks !-- The snow.brothers got my respect -- I couldn't do it !
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