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Thought I was gonna be gone a couple weeks away from my phone !--Wasn't sure when I would be back !
- Trip was canceled !
Sorry !
I would have to say the pinky red and yellow in these leaves look pretty cool I like how different strains can turn so many different colours when you're flushing them

Bud I been saving some roots but I haven't done anything with them !-- The book says U can boil it down to a tar type paste -- Whole different set of chemicals !-- Do some research !--
Those fan leaves on that plant Bud !-- When the plant is in bloom and starts to take nutrients away from the leaves in an all out push to make bud -- Does anyone else strip those leaves once they begin to yellow ?
I mostly do !-- Not all at once just when they become worse from wear - I just take them off !-- By harvest I will have most of them off !-- I don't know if it is true but in my mind the leaves are finished and if I remove them those light airy fluffy bud closer to the bottom of the plant get plenty light and harden up !-- Seems to work on small plants !
I agree with you buddy I just had to leave them because they look so cool this time feel like a real idiot I've been walking around all day thinking it was the first and it's only the 31st I guess a combination between a two day hangover and too much time in the garage I definitely need to listen to Rose and get myself a Calendar
Finally through the busy part, got everything in place and back on cruise control. Now just gonna smoke this here Grass Monkey bud and enjoy the rest of the day ;)
All I need to know is when is the 1st and the 15th -- I gots a calender on my phone !-- If I just look when I turn it on it tells me the date and time ! --
Bud they are pretty !-- I got a box of purple in early bloom !-- GDP-X-B.R. -- GDP -x- BPU -- See where my Purple girls be !-- Purple Haze make a nice Purple bud !-- ( blueberry lemonade ) - but not strong as I've seen !-- Got one more Strawberry to sex and I'm betting I'm outta luck making girls !-- Looking for a Strawberry boy and a purple boy ( one more chance)-- I 'm also sexing a Snow Desiel looking for a boy !--
Bud that growing a whole garage out at a time like Umbra would kill me !-- I think I like a rotation better !
Break all the work down into smaller groups every 2 weeks instead of all at once !
Evening OFC
All these weed pictures get me stoned. Well that and my pipe.
Got to get a couple of boxes made.
Got a Question. Say you know a patient that want to grow there own. What is my safest way about this. This will all be in a non weed state.
Hippy that is a wide open question !-- Most of us do use it as a medicine !-- Even when U smoke so to relax at the end of the day or in the morning it is still medicine !-- So to answer your question -- Don't know depends on lots of stuff !-- I think a small indoor grow maybe even with a rotation if there's room !--
If It's a buddy or someone U trust U could supply the clones and they could grow them !-- That way U both know they all girls and U know about how long they take and stuff !-- Teach them to grow like U then later if they want to grow a different way they got a foundation to build on !
Keef speaking of Mexican break weed I'm growing out one of the seeds I brought back from Mexico that got me put in jail she's coming along pretty nice too I just hope she'll be as good here as she was there
Wow, evening all...the GM put me down...smoked up...got relaxed.....just woke up ;)
Did ya good too Kraven !- That Grass Monkey must be potent to put U down !-
Hey Hippy -- I answered your P.M. but juggled the phone -- Let me know if U got it or if I lost it !
That'll work Bud !--
My 2 cap making devices !

Keef, Budlight, hey sorry to chime in but my wife's been using the caps that I make for her and your post made me give you my take. I take the bud, ground and along with coconut oil, I run it through (after decarbing) my "magic butter maker". Then I use a large syringe (100 cc from my local hydro store) to "inject" it into the caps. Then into the tinted bottles and into the refrigerator till needed. With the caliber that you're both growing your (caps) should be epic.

We were buying a not as good alternative from "WAMM" for $1/ea. and decided that this part I could approximate without much problem.
Evening Dan !-- Mane I did the full circle with Caps !-- Started out simmering weed in coconut oil - filtering off the oil and using it to fill caps !-- This what happens making oil for caps like this !-- U cook the weed then strain off the weed !-- U get some on your hand and waste not want not !-- The spoon is dirty too so U licking it off!--
By the time it is time to fill the caps with oil Keef is walking in da spirit world !-- Doing the Crab Walk and stuff !-- Also that thing U do when U close one eye and squint to focus and still can't ? -- I don't make caps like that anymore !-- Making them made me way too high !-- Licking my fingers -licking the spoon !-- I can't be getting that high anymore !-- Edibles ? -- What if I forget and wipe out a pan of pot brownies again ?
No man !-- I just decarb pack it into caps and chase it with a spoon of coconut oil !-- Let my belly handle the extraction !-- Tell U 2 more ways to make cannacoconut real quick !-- Don't believe me try it !-- Fried weed oil !-- Just what it says get the oil hot but below the oils smoke point !-- Throw some weed in there and fry that sheet !-- Don't take long !-- That THC would rather go into the oil than evaporate !-- Microwave cannacoconut oil !-- Put some oil and Weed in a microwave dish and put it into the microwave - bring the oil to a boil several times while U watch to make sure it doesn't boil over !-- 2 minutes later U drain the oil off the weed and done !
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