My Jerry Springer weekend !-- I'm gonna need to get much , much higher to normalize this sheet ! --
Morning O.F.C. ! --
Morning Bud !-- Been hiding in the motel bathroom getting my Wake and Bake on !-- Family is acting a fool !
I remember now why I got da hell outta dodge soon as I was old enough !-- Gonna take a Hellova buzz to face this sheet again today ! - Just looking forward to the day being over ! -- I didn't come here to fight --I just came to bury my brother !-- I'm glad U here this morning Bud !-- I needed a friend !
What ever U want to do Bud !-- I don't remember if I ever gave U my address but I got no problem with that !
It does sound tasty !-- Maybe U should make some seed !-- I'd like to give tbem A try but I kinda got too many things I'm working on and it will be awhile before I could get to them ! -- I'm headed back to the bathroom and finish that pipe !
Wondering if I brought enough ?
Bud -- I mighta avoided that question on purpose !-- How about we just call it Very Good Weed !